03 | location, unknown.

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Temperance blew out the candle slowly, savoring the rich oak like smell left behind. It was in this moment that the redhead felt at home, with the wisps of silver gray smoke curling and dancing into the foggy air around her. As she watched the fleeting smoke disappear, she smiled ever so slightly.

It had happened, and would happen, to every child in the foster facility to reach the ripe age of 18. The age of when the government couldn't afford you, and the foster parents didn't care once the paychecks stopped.To her, the only good thing about her birthday was the freedom that came with it. No more foster parents, no more broken promises, just a cupcake and a garbage bag. She bit into the small cupcake, and in a few minutes, the only part left was the candle.

A sudden breeze caused her to inhale sharply, tightening her arms around herself and letting the candle tumble to the ground. Though it was early April, the sun seemed to have decided against showing its face. The streets were almost desolate, as everyone with a home had gone there in favor of the cold. The only sound was the loud growl from a van crawling down the street, before making a home just across from the redhead.

Sitting on a curb for the rest of her life wasn't sounding appealing, however. After a few minutes of contemplation with herself, Temperance made the decision to fuck the laws. A jail cell would be better than being homeless. The van sat across from her, it's doors eroded with rust and pale blue paint chipping with each gust of wind.

It was all too easy to reach inside the junky van, unlock the doors, and speed off in the direction of the nearest highway, nor was it difficult to set her GPS for Canada, where she could finally find her parents.

As she quickly drove away, she allowed a smile to creep onto her face.

"Happy birthday to me."

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