07 | reno, nevada.

30 2 0

"Oh, fuck me!"

Temperance hit the steering wheel, causing some of the worn leather to fall into her lap. She was stuck in traffic once again, the highway filled with a number of cars. It was her fault for taking main roads at five, she'd become far too accustomed to walking the streets and forgot just how time orientated driving was. 

As she sat in the back to back traffic, her mind began to wander. Would her parents be waiting in a home for her? Or have they moved on, forgetting all about Temperance? As she thought, her hand subconsciously moved to the thin, silver necklace sitting on her chest. 

The only piece to her past was the single necklace; seeing as her aunt had left her for a life of riches, and no foster parent bothered to hold onto her. At just the young age of five, Lorelai dumped her at the foster care facility, claiming that she couldn't afford another child.

So maybe she was a little bitter about that. Her parents had intrusted her life into this woman's hands, only to have her child sent into the foster care system because of the overwhelming lifestyle of a single mother with four boys.

Her whole life story bothered her. No matter what she did, she was slapped by unluckiness and left to crawl her way back to a decent life. She just hopped that now, maybe, she could put it aside. Her parents would understand, they would keep her like Lorelai was unable to do.

With all this thinking stuck up in her head, the redheaded girl hadn't noticed the traffic beginning to move until a chorus of horns rang from behind her. She pressed her foot down heavily on the gas, car shooting forward and nearly rear ending an SUV.

Temperance decided that maybe her best option was to take side roads from now on. So, as the day slowly crawled to an end, she did just that. The redhead cruised the roads to the best of her ability, seeing as she'd never taken a driving class in her life.

Just as the sun began to set, she drove past a sign reading "Reno, Nevada." Though it was late, the town was still densely packed with people of all ages. She must have eventually taken a wrong turn, because she soon found herself driving down a dead end street.

Instead of turning back, the redhead chose to continue down the path, hoping that her trusted GPS wouldn't do her wrong.

And she thought she was doing the right thing too, until she was slamming on her breaks at the sudden appearance of a short girl standing in the middle of the road.

"Oh, fuck me!"

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