Words of Wisdom(also not a story prompt)

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Ok I have to say something that may help a lot of you get noticed or find great books, or inspiration. Most people look at views or votes and comments on Wattpad and if it has more you think it means it's a better book, well I have to say that the best stories are always the ones you've gotta search for and the unproved ones so if you see a book on wattpad with only a few reads remember Don't judge it by its first glance, read the first paragraph of the story and see if you like it, you can find so many good undiscovered jewels 💎 that will give you so much inspiration and will keep you hooked if you just click the book. I'm not saying popular books aren't good I'm saying unpopular books get popular by people looking at them. Sometimes books don't have any views because they suck but that is not always the case so if your bored and can not think of any ideas go look for a new book to read

P.S I left out an important point in this words of wisdom and that is time. You probably won't get lots of views very quickly it could be weeks or months until you get feedback but just remember patience is its own reward

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