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Tenten's POV

"So mind telling me what's going on?" I questioned Hinata.

"As everybody already knows, besides Naruto, I love Naruto." Hinata whispered.

"But isn't Sakura your friend? Why would she be dating him let alone kissing him, when she knows how you feel?" I said confused, titling my head to the side.

"I told her it didn't matter. She asked to date him to make Sasuke jealous. I though Naruto would never agree to it, but I was wrong," the poor girl whimpered.

Well pineapples. This girl was supper sweet, but what do you know? A guy breaks her. Reason why I'm single here people.

"Then you don't need him. Let him go and move one Hinata." I suggested.

"I can't. Maybe you are unable to understand, but I have loved Naruto for some time now. I have always looked up to him for his strength, and how he could always be happy no matter what." She uttered.

"Well I'm sorry I don't really understand." I said.

"It's okay you will." She said, getting up and leaving.

I looked at her figure as she walked away, and wondered what she meant. I just hope the poor girl will be okay.

Going back to work, I questioned where to go from here. Was I going to work in the cafè the rest of my life? I hope not. Maybe I'll actually use my college degree? Wow wouldn't that be a shock.

I'll just take over the family business. Although, working with my mom does not sound fun. Well if I want a steady job, running th family business sounds where I have to go.

I'll start with something small, that deals with people, and work my way up.

-----------A Week Later----------

Walking out of the building, I was excited to start my new job tomorrow. Now, you guys are probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I applied for a few jobs and landed a tutoring one for a college.

Personally, I don't think the students will even listen to me. I'm fresh out of college at 27 years old, but these people will be from 17-25. I mean I graduated 3rd in my class at Stanford. (Shika being first and Tema being second)

I don't think the students are gonna care about that though. Anyways, my first day starts tomorrow, so I went off to enjoy my freedom.

Walking around the city is always fun. You get to see the abstract buildings, cool little restaurants, and listen to the people playing on the streets. I am Tenten though, and I wanted something a little more fun.

I couldn't call Tem because she was pregnant and due in a few weeks. I, also could not call Shika for obvious reasons. So, that left with me with one option, Ino.

Now, most people think we would not get along well, but we were really close. Don't get me wrong she was annoying with all her girly stuff, yet she brought out a confident side of me when I was with her.

"Hey Ino, what's up?" I question the blonde when she picked up her phone.

"Really Tenten? You ask whats up? I haven't seen you since Temari and SHikamaru's wedding? And you call to tell me 'whats up,'? You're insane that's what's up!" She screamed through the phone.

Does she know how loud she is? That hurt my ear! She is a little strawberry punk! But, I miss her......what has my life come to. I might regret this, oh well.

"Would it make it up to you if we went to a club?" I said, not really believing I just said that.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She chanted over and over.

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