Not Today Satan

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Even though I felt like an idiot I still stood there. Processing whatever the fuck just happened. I turn around and see him walking away, he seemed calm and collected. He wasn't cold, he just looked happy to be here. He seemed weird too... Did he call me weird? What a jerk! I muttered the word asshole under my breath and decided to go home early. I walk the opposite direction as him on my way home. It takes about 30 minutes to get home and once I'm finally home, I see him down the street. What-what the hell? Does he live around here? I look around and triple check I'm in the right place, yup.. There's my house. He hasn't seen me yet so I decide to just hurry up and get inside. I run up to the door and unlock it quickly. I run in and hang up my jacket, kicking my shoes off and putting them in the closet. "David!?" I hear my mother yell. "N-no mom! It's me!" I walk into the office and see her. "Why are you home so early?", she sounded concerned like something might've happened to me. "No no no, I just decided to come home early today." I nodded and she nodded back, I made my way upstairs and sat down on my bed, instantly looking out the window and I see it. The cute boy is the boy next door. I repeat, THE CUTE BOY IS MY NEE NEIGHBOR! I'm going to actually cry why is he here? This is my neighborhood! Who does he- oh god he's looking. OH GOD HES LOOKING AT ME! I duck and quickly jump on my bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. I hear a faint voice calling my name and I look at the window again. It's him, of course it's him, my luck it would totally be him! He knows my name? What's his name? I move to the window and see him, he's smirking at me, what an asshole. Trying to act all cool. I open up my window and call over to him "What do you want?". He laughs, and waves me over, signaling for me to come over to his house. Wait.. He wants me to come over to his house?  Oh fuck no, not today Satan.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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