futher apart

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Ash's pov

Ash awoke to the sound of thunder. Atleast that was what he thought he heard. He sat up from where he was sleeping and looked  to his side to see serena sleeping beside him. He sighed. He began to scratch his head. He stood up from the coach and walked towards the window. He opened the curtains and saw snow. It looked like a snow storm was coming fast. He actually was a bit afraid. If some natural disaster happened, he wanted serena to be ok.

??: ash, are you alright?

Ash turned around to see serena stretching from her nap. He turned back to the window.

Ash: yah just.... come look at this

Serena: ok?

Ash heard her footsteps as she walked towards him. Serena stood next to him and her eyes windend.

Serena: what if....

Ash: what if what?

Serena: never mind im going outside.

And with that, serena put on her coat and walked out of the room. Ash sighed and began to do the same. He walked outside with the cold air on his face.

Serena: ash! Come over here!

Ash ran towards serena. He saw her croaching down over a pokemon. It was an eevee.

Ash: what h-happened?

Serena: i dont know i just found it like this.

Ash: lets bring it back to the pokemon center then.

Serena: good idea

Serena picked the eevee up and as soon as she did, a faint rumbling noise came from the disctance. Ash looked towards the trees. He knew what was going to happen. He pushed serena into a nearby hole that had a little roof and it was just about her size. Ash looked towards the rumbling sound. As soon as he did, snow began to crash over him. He was shocked and scared. He could barely move. He couldnt do anything because all his pokemon, even pikachu, were at the pokemon center. Ash just closed his eyes as the snow began to take him somewhere far away from serena.

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