Were trapped!!

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Moon's pov time skip to night time

It was night time as they walked through the dark forest, the branches of the trees creaking all the time. Moon shuddered as walked across an old path with her friends and felt closed in like a cat in small cage, so small all you could do was wriggle around. Though the forest wasnt that small, she felt like it. Embrix was in the lead with N, espe at their side. Ash was a few feet away from her with serena. Iris was just behind Moon, being quiet. Moon tried to match paces with N. N noticed her warriness and glanced at her.

N: is....something wrong

Moon: n-nothing's wrong im just..........sc-scared.

All N did was chuckle.

N: classic moon

Moon huffed and slightly blushed with embarrasment, her gaze flicking to the ground. N placed his arm around moon. Moon blushed but tried to hide it.

N: its alright we'll be out of here in no time-

N's sentence was cut off when his foot fell in a big hole, making him go down with it. As N fell he grabbed Moon's shirt, making her fall in with him as she screamed. All moon could see was darkness, the darkness seeming to swallow her like she was drowning. And she was! Water tugged at her as the water twisted and turned her around and around. She tried reaching for air but all she gulped down was weird tasting water. Suddenly something grasped her. She was lifted up and placed on rocky land. Moon coughed up water, her body limp and wet. A blur light lit up the rocky place.

???: Hey are you ok?

Moon reconized that voice. N had saved her!

Moon: y-yah im fine.

Emrbix went over to them, the ring on his head glowing.

N: but we have one problem...were trapped down here!

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