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Iris's pov

While N and Moon were walking to the pokemon center, Iris had gotten herself lost. It had started to snow as she began to trudge into the snowier part of the forest. She began to slow down and stopped dead in her tracks.

Iris: what do we do now axeu?

Axeu: ax...(i dont know)

Iris sighed. She was hungry,tired,cold, and a bit afraid. She continued on walking , her feet sinking into the snow. Suddenly, she heard something.

??: help! Anyone? Im stuck!

Iris: huh? Hold on im coming!

Iris ran towards the voice but couldnt seem to find it.

Iris: where are you?

??: under the snow.

Iris facepalmed herself in frustration. She then began to dig with her hands. After a few hours she felt something leathery, held on it, and pulled it out. She slipped and fell down with a thump. She stood up and saw the girl that they found weeks ago.

Iris: are you ok?

The girl: yah im good. How about you?

Iris: im good just cold.

The girl: well im serena. Hi!

Iris: im iris and thats my partner axeu

axeu: axeu! (hi there!)

Serena: wait i almost forgot about something!

iris: what?

serena: ash! he's in danger! we need to find him now!

serena grabs iris's hand and then they begin to run down the slope with the eevee behind them. iris wondered if ash was ok but he would be alright, right?

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