It’s hard to keep your brain from melting
When everything around you is aflame
When the matchbox is empty
And the gasoline can is empty
And the charcoal bag is empty
But the tables and chairs are still burning away
The tv is melting while it’s playing
The flames lick away at the walls
And break down the doorknobs
The candles leak down their holders
And the windows blacken
It’s hard to keep your brain in your head
When it’s melting
Your frontal lobe fronting it’s fake wax structure
While the real meat is oozing from your eye sockets
Dripping down your cheeks, your neck,
Your brand new locket
When you feel the hot material burning
Boils into your shoulders
And the skin sliding off with the lava of
What used to be your happy place
Inside was your room of everything
It was confusing
It was strange
And cliche
And sometimes annoying
But you knew it well, for what it was
Yours, that’s what.
And that's what mattered to you