ShiningClaw told ThunderStar the plans in case of the battle and how to prepare. ThunderStar started assigning night patrols,and a warrior at the nursery. Once some of the clans not patroling were alsleep hours passed...nothing happend...Until..The clan woke up to loud yells,hisses and falling objects. We woke up imediatly. The warriors ran up quickly and started to battle. RiverFlower took on a white strong tom. He sank his large teeth into her back leg,she let out a piercing yowl. She whipped around and jumped on the tom digging her claws into his back,he hissed and ran into the woods. She looked over and saw ThunderStar being dragged from her neck by a black tom the leader of NightClan! She was bleeding all over her face and back. RiverFlower ran behind a bush then leaped on the warrior. RiverFlower filled with rage and anger,sank her teeth into the toms neck making him yell and he limped slowly into the woods.
Blood,Fur,and a few dead warrior lay around the camp. They defeated most of the NightClan warriors. But not all...ShiningClaw was taking on a silver dappled she-cat trying to steal the kits! The she cat from NightClan flung her small body feet away. She leaped ontop of her but ShiningClaw put up and fight and clawed her belly blood covering the cats. ShiningClaw scraped over the cats nose she quickly left. ShiningClaw was limping bleeding,scarps,cuts everywhere...but she kept fighting
The Clan battles until the NightClan leaves... RiverFlower sees something shocking!
ThunderStar bleeding out on the ground...This was her last life! RiverFlower screams to StarFeather the StormClan medicine cat. "StarFeather!ThunderStar is bleeding out we need cobweb imeadiatly!" StarFeather races out and checks the She-cats pulse "RiverFlower,*StarFeathers eyes tear up* Sh-she ha-has no pulse...." RiverFlowers eyes fill with tears "Nooo!You must of checked in the wrong spot!She cant be dead!Can you do anything?"StarFeather softly says "There isnt anything i can do...she is with StarClan now." RiverFlower cries. She shares tongues with her amazing leader,and beloved friend.
StripeClaw StormClans deputy calls a meeting "We just have had a very rough battle with NightClan. Thank you to patrols and warriors who fought bravely but i have devastating news...Our be-beloved le-leader Thu-ThunderStar....The Clan starts to cry,grieve and share tongues with the rest of the clan.
I now make this anouncement,I say this in front of StarClan so they can approve of my choice, I elect RiverFlower to be the leader of StormClan,can you please walk up here, RiverFlower stands up and walks toward the highrock.Do you take the postition of being Leader of StormClan even at the risk of your life?RiverFlower says Yes! StripeClaw says "RiverFlower is now the new leader of StormClan,tommorow she will make her journey to the highrock and share dreams with StarClan. This meeting is now over....
Thank you for reading and the next book should be out by next week, bye
~RiverFlower~A Warrior Cat Story. Book 1
Viễn tưởngRiverFlower a adventurous she cat,this is her story from her worst battles,fights,and deaths!Read on to see what happens and check out the next books in the series