her blood

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As me and her walked through our favourite woods to get home to were we both stayed.Her parents were inattentive and so she lived with me.Suddenly she stopped and pointed "what the hell is that?"I looked in the direction she was pointing and saw someone who resembled a skeletal deer with wings of a Dragon .it took a second to register what I was looking at
A scaeve a omen of death .I turned towards jenna and saw her clutching her stomache ,a knife blade poking between her fingers

"Oh my god jenna" I caught her as she fell forward I turned her over and held her close "jenna hold on" .a slow clap sounded ripping my attention from jenna .a person in a white hoodie and wearing a porcelain mask standing there"I cant decide if your just stupid or very brave to still be standing there after you see someone die" a mix of emotions boiled inside me , part of me wandered if maybe this wasnt real but logically I knew it was "why?" I asked to noone in particular"well I had to get initiated somehow" he said .I shot up and attempted to punch him in the face but he side stepped and back handed me
I stumbled back and grabbed a glass shard and stabbed him in the cheast.He stood there for a moment before he smiled and laughed he pulled out the shard and wiped his vest off. He then kicked me to the ground and jumped on top of me.I punched him in his face cracking his mask I punched him repeatedly until a big section of his mask was missing .then suddenly he grabbed my hand and stabbed me in the stomache. Pain shot through my body. I looked up and saw his face he was pale and had black hair. Jenna crawled over to me as the man walked away. As we lay there I make a promise to my self; he will pay.

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