Page 1 - Being Proud of Who You Are.

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(Kae's Interruption: I attend a class who gives us topics to write about in a journal. This topic was "What would you like to see more of? And what can you do to make sure we do see more of this?". We could pick and choose anything we wanted. I choose acceptance and love. Please proceed.)

Throughout this school year, I have noticed that there needs to be more love and acceptance in the world. Many people don't understand that everyone is different regardless of their environment they grow up in and the people they grow up around. YOU were born to be your own person. I would love to celebrate a time when people can stop judging and hating others for being themselves. Nobody can help if they're born gay or black or Trans. Nobody can choose anything about them when they're born. Nobody came out and said "Hey! I wanna be lesbian, black, with brown eyes and bushy eyebrows". People cant choose who they are, they cant choose sexuality or eye color or hair color.

(Kae's Interruption: I am aware some people choose their sexuality. I am addressing those who claim its always a choice. Please proceed.)

As you grow, you grow into YOU and learn your likes and dislikes, YOUR favorites and preferences. I prefer French fries over mashed potatoes, however, I'm not judging and hating mashed potatoe lovers. Its just automatically accepted as "normal", whatever that is. Why cant other things be accepted as such? When you are judging somebody so hard, till the point where they are ashamed to be themselves or want to harm themselves, that's when YOU should take a look at yourself. As much as I wish I could, I cannot force people to accept and love more. The only thing I can do, is educate and spread love everywhere else. However, if people were perhaps more open, willing to listen and willing to learn, I could spread my word.

(Kae's Interruption: This is the end of my first entry. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I would love to hear everybody's feedback below. At the end of these types of posts, ill leave a couple of questions that I would love you guys to answer. Of course, you are not obligated to, but it would be lovely if you did. These posts are not triggered by any event, just random thoughts that come to me. My apologies if they are any typos. Please proceed to the questions below.)

1.) How did you like this post?

2.) What are your thoughts on acceptance and love?

3.) What do you think we need more of in the world?


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