Chapter 1

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        As I began to unpack my bags, I couldn't stop looking out the window. It was so, so, so pretty. The tall palm trees and everyone looked happy. Being a 20-year-old woman, I had to be independent, but I had to admit: I was homesick. I loved my mom, older brother, and my little sister. My dad on the other hand, well not so much. Okay so here's how it goes: Divorced. Simple right? Well, it got worse. Even though they divorced because it really wasn't working out. He began to drink heavily, and then came, the drugs. He became really, uh, crazy. Hitting our mama, and us, at times. So one day, Bryanna (sister) called the cops, and they took him away. As much as he had hurt us, I still cried. It hurt me to see him taken away, drunken and confused as ever.  That was when I was 7 years old, but the memory is still fresh in my mind. I could never forget. I don't think I ever will.

I was finishing up my room when I heard my phone go off. I walk over and pick it up, only so it can stop ringing.


"Essence hey!" I heard the voice, and I immediately recognized who it was. I smile spread across my face.

"What's good bestie? Ugh, I already miss you." I say, sighing afterward. Greg was the most trustworthy person I know. I could tell him everything, and plus, our moms were best friends since they were 4. So of course, we met at like a couple months. Our moms wanted us to be besties. They did a great job. "How's everything back home?"

"Good, life is dry tho, cause you aren't here. Buttt guess what?" Greg said to me. I did not feel like guessing but of course, he was gonna make me. It's like I could feel his big ass smile on the other line.

"You got a girlfriend?" 


"You got some bomb ass head?"

"I wish bro"

"You have STDs?"

"HELL NO" I laughed but was also relieved. 

"Um....I don't know. What?"

"What if I told you I'm in Cali right now..?"


"Open your door silly!"

I dashed downstairs, nearly busting my ass, and finally reached the door, he wasn't there. I frowned and put the phone back to my ear.

"Lying ass bitch Greg oh my-"

"Your back door girl stop trippin."

I took a sigh of relief and ran to the back door, praying to god he wasn't joking. And to my relief, Greg was standing there with a huge smile on his face. We hugged and I let him in. He looked around the house, and I just loved how amazed he was. 

"You could afford this?" He asked with a smirk. I smiled proudly.


"Damn," Greg said still in amazement "I see you." I showed him to one of the guest bedrooms, and he began to settle in. This was our dream as children. To live together. I'm so happy we actually made our dream a reality. 

I walked over to the kitchen and after some food searching, I found boxes of Mac' and Cheese.  I Quickly got to work, because my stomach needs to shut up! I was so hungry because of all the unpacking, and cleaning, and organizing. I looked over to see Greg watching some TV show and I knew he was very, very interested. Chuckling to myself, I decided to focus on the food before my irresponsible ass burns it or something. I've been here for a week, and I can already say, I know I'm going to love Cali.


What's good y'all. So I'm a female, just in case. I can say rn, feedback will help me make this story enjoyable so ya know, vote and shizzzz.

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