Chapter 3

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Okay, let me warn you now. There's content in this chapter that is, well, deep. And if you read, and you find yourself uncomfortable, don't complain and try to make me delete it, cause I won't. Skip over it, I'll put "***" where it is, so you cannot say you weren't warned. Simply skip over it! Thank you!! <3 Have a wonderful day/night whatever the hell :D


When Mrs. Houghton returned, the kids were still fast asleep. So I decided that this would be a good time to discuss Vivian's situation. I gave her a warm smile and told her we needed to speak.

"What happened," she asked, curiosity and concern in her voice. "Did they give you a hard time, gosh I know how they can be but I-"

"No, they were angels Mrs. Houghton-"

"Call me Sarah please," She said smiling.

"Okay, Sarah, it's husband." I looked down, she stared at me confused. I didn't know how to tell her, but I mean, oh well.

"So during snack time, Vivian didn't want to eat, and it was odd. You know, knowing that apples and caramel were all of their favorites. Instead, she got up and walked away..." I said, fumbling with my fingers as I continued to explain. Once I finished, she sat there. Silent. 

"Um... Mrs -um- Sarah.." Her face went red. She stood up and ran upstairs, shutting the door behind her. I didn't know which room she went in, so I ran upstairs to see. The kids' door was closed so I'm assuming she went in there to speak with Vivian. About to go back downstairs, I stop when I hear crying. I turn around and lean against the door, so I can hear better.


"Vivian, what the fuck did I tell you about telling people our problems? I swear to god, you have such a big mouth!! You're such a dumbass child. Why did I have to have 3 kids? Why couldn't I have just two? Why!" She screamed. I gasped, fighting back the tears forming in my eyes. 

"I-i-i'm sorry, mommy. Please forgive me. I love you." I hear Vivian's tiny voice. 

"Wish I could say the fucking same-" She says. 

I was about to run down there when I hear things begin to fall. I hear Vivian shriek and slapping sounds are heard. I hear the other kids crying, and then I hear I loud thump. I begin to cry. 

"Vivian. Vivian, wake the fuck up right now." I hear Mrs. Houghton say. I gasp and run downstairs to grab my phone. I dial 911, and as soon as they pick up, my mouth is running. They get here quickly and, even though it isn't my house, I give them permission to come inside. They quickly go upstairs and pick the lock. What was seen, can never leave my mind.

There she was. Sarah Houghton. She was dragging a blood-covered Vivian into the closet while Tiana and Kyle were whimpering in the corner. 

"Mrs. Houghton, You are under arrest."


I get home, my eyes reddened and puffy from all of they crying. Mrs. Houghton tried to play it off but, like, there's no possible was to play that off. I was beyond shaken. Vivian was taken to the hospital, where she later died. The other two kids were taken into foster care, mourning the death of their dear sister. 

R.I.P Vivian Houghton, You'll be missed.

 I go to the guest room to say Greg getting out of the bathroom.

"Oh Hey E, wait, you've been crying. Come here." He says, sympathetically. He walks over to my direction, and I stop him.

"At least put some clothes on goddamn"

"Oh, you right." He said, which made me smile weakly. As soon as he was dressed, he came over to me and hugged me. Crying on his shoulder, I began to explain my *horrific* day, and he seemed like he was holding back tears.

"I'm so sorry you had to experience such a thing. I would've cried too." He says, rubbing my arm. I loved this moment right now because Greg was always there for me when I needed him. With all that was happening, I'm glad he was here. Especially now that it was like 6. Yup, 5 hours spent over there. 

"Let's go clubbing. Please" I tell Greg, he looks over at me and smirks. I just needed a way to forget the Sarah situation, even if it's temporary relief. 

"Girl waiiiiiiiiiit we're only 20." He says, laughing. I glance over at him, confused. 

"Since when did you listen to rules? Hmmm?" 

"Okay fine, we need fake ID's then."


When we arrived at the club, hours later, we got in with no problems. The music was loud, and it was amusing watching people "Dance". We got our drinks and sat at a table isolated from the crowd. Greg was used to drinking but me, not so much. I can handle it, sort of, but I mean, not like he can. He was on his third drink, but I was half-way finished with my first. Yikes.

"Catch up, Ma'am," He said with a smirk. I raise an eyebrow.

"Are you challenging me?" I say. He sips his drink. Ay bitch, we can fight.

"Maybe. I mean, if you're up for it." He says, finishing his third drink and ordering a fourth.

"Well then let me get to my fourth and we can start. It's only fair." I say with a huge smile, moving onto my second. He groans, and rolls his eyes. We both knew that I was gonna take forever. It's my character.

When I *finally* get to my fourth drink, we glance at each other. 

"3...2...1...CHUG" He says and he's already done with the fourth, but I finish shortly after. Laughing and chugging, we both end the night on our 8th, knowing that we've both had enough for the night.We began to join in with the dancing, jumping around like madmen. We were drunken messes. And plus, that's the most alcohol I've ever had in one night. Yay me! We order an Uber, knowing we couldn't drive [STAY SAFE, DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!!]. And anyway, we didn't bring a car, we got here in an Uber as well. 

As soon as we arrived home, we thanked the driver and stumbled inside. I felt nauseous after a while, and dashed to the bathroom, knowing what was coming next. Puking my guts out, I decided that, besides puking, this was a good way to end my day. I walked over to Greg's room to say goodnight, and he was changing, so I got an unexpected peek of his ass. Whoops.

"Goodnight bestie!!" I shout from the other side of the door, "You have a nice ass by the way." 

I hear him chuckle on the other side of the door. "Goodnight E!"

I made my way back to my room and changed as well. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.


I'm trying to make the chapters a little longer sorrrrrrrrrrry!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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