Chapter 7

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-Next day-

Alex's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in the room and the five guys running around downstairs. I grabbed my phone (which was right beside me) and looked at it, I had one text from my brother. It said,

Mikey's text message:
Hey Alex we're going to be in LA in about an hour so could we get your address and we'll come pick you up the head to LAX

I texted him back saying 'Hey Mike... That's great, my address is :the address:, see you in an hour!!' I waited in the bed for around 15 minutes to see if the guys would come check on me but they didn't so I called Elton, he quickly picked up and said,

"Hey Alex what's up?"

"Hey Elton uhmm nothing much just that I can't get down the stairs by myself and my wheelchair is down there... What are you up to?"

I just laughed then he said,

"Sorry we totally forgot you were upstairs... Corey's on his way up right now to get you okay?"

"Okay Elton and we gotta be ready and packed in 45 minutes okay?"


I then hung up and waited until Corey came into the room and picked me up. H e was just smiling at me. I said to him,

"Corey what's up? This seems weird haha"

"Well... We thought before your brother and the other's got here, that we would make a breakfast for you to thank you but that of course wouldn't be the only thing to thank you, when your ankle is better we're taking you somewhere that Sam and Colby think you'll love!!"

"Well thank you my man haha... Where did you guys put my wheelchair?"

Corey put me on to the couch, the other four came out from around the corner and Colby said,

"Sam and I didn't exactly think you needed it right now because we will be bring you your drink and food out here"

I just nodded my head and all five of them left to the kitchen. I sat on the couch waiting for the things they would bring me, my phone went off and it was from my brother he said,

Mikey's text message:
Hey Alex, we are in front of the house that you gave me the address too... Are you coming out to let us in or we just opening it?

I smiled at myself then texted him back saying "Mikey, Mikey... I'll be out in a second to see if your at the right house", Colby and Sam walked into the living room and I said,

"Sammy... Colby... Could I have my wheelchair for a quick second?"

They looked at me questionably but then shrugged there shoulders and got me my wheelchair. Colby lifted me into the chair and I started to wheel myself to the front door while Sam, Colby, Corey, Aaron and Elton follow me. I get to the front door and Colby opens it I say 'thank you' and keep going outside. I get to the street and see a big bus that says 'Golden State Warriors' and around 24 tall guys. I see my brother and I yell 'Kameron!!' He looks at me and I start to tear up from his face. He comes running at me and picks me up bridal style and hugs me. He was still holding me while he brought me in the middle of his team and he said 'Zandra these are the guys' I get tossed from guy to guy to say hello. They finally put my back in my wheelchair and I say,

"Mikey... You've met Sam and Colby... But these three are Aaron... Elton... And Corey, Elton, Corey, Aaron this is my brother Mikey Kameron"

They just stared at him, Sam and Colby smiled and waved and Mikey says,

"Well any friend of Alex's is a friend of mine... Sam, Colby how are you two?"

Sam answered first, he said,

"I'm good Michael excited to head to Chicago and excited to see you and A"

Then Colby said,

"I'm great Michael... I'm with Sam, excited to head to Chicago and to see you and Lex"

"Well Sam... Colby I've been excited to see my baby sister Alexandra Kameron forever haha"

I butted in and said,

"Uhmm... Big brother Michael Kameron we gotta go if we wanna make the flight"

He looks back at his team then at the six of us and says,

"Okay we'll meet you there, see you there"


And with that my brother and the team went back into the bus and the six of us went into the house to get our bags. While we were walking into the house Elton says to me while he was pushing me,

"I can't thank you enough Alex... This is amazing!! I'm really excited ha"

I just laughed and said,

"Well there is one way to thank me but all five of you have to do it and I have to have two fully functioning legs haha... And I may have talked my brother into asking his manager if you and the others could make a video with a few of the basketball players including my brother for your channels and he said sure"

He stopped and walked around to face me, he looked me in the eyes then put a huge smile on his face and started jumping around screaming which made the other four turn around. Corey said,

"What happened while we were getting the bags?"

I looked at him and the other then to Elton and said,

"Well I think Elton should tell you"

By that point I had a huge smile on my face because I knew they would love it and be so surprised. Elton turned around to face them and said,

"Well Alex just told me that she talked her brother into talking to his manager about us being able to record a video for each of our channels with a couple of the team members including her brother"

They just looked at me and did exactly what Elton did when he found out, I just laughed at them. Sam then said,

"A, you know we can't top any of this right?"

I just laughed then said,

"I know exactly what you can do to top it but I can't tell you what you can top it with until I have two working ankles haha, now let's go so we don't miss our flight haha"

They just laughed and walked over to the cars. We divided into two groups, Sam, Colby and I in Colby's car and Elton, Aaron and Corey in Elton's car.

Time skip to about 5 minutes into the drive

Alex's POV

I was sitting in the back while Sam and Colby were in the front and Colby driving. Sam says to me,

"A... When are you going to tell your brother what happened?"

I hesitated to answer because I didn't really think of when I was going but I then say,

"I'll tell him when I next see him... I just don't wanna get him mad, you guys know how he is when something really bad happens to the family including you two.... I'll tell him Sammy, I will"

He just nodded his head and the rest of the ride was in silence, I was thinking, he and everyone else is going to freak out.

For this trip you have packed mostly guys clothes because you didn't get to go home and get clothes so mostly Sam and Colby's clothes.

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