[4]The Reckoning

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Diantha watched her opponent to walk into the field and stand right into his trainer's box.the referee walk towards to his position and raise two flags color red and blue.

Referee:This is a exhibition match between Diantha The Kalos Regional Champion and Ash The Alola Regional Champion

Both trainers grabbed their first pokeball,Diantha pokeball is a ultra ball while Ash pokeball is customized design with two colors both green and  violet with leaf design on it.

Referee:This is a three on three battle,substitution is allowed,all causes are in effect,trainers let the battle begin!!

Diantha:Let's show them our power Go Aurorus

All of a sudden a huge dinosaur like pokemon appeared right into the field causing the audience to stare in awe.

MC:Oh Wow look at that a Aurorus it's very rare to see them in battle

Ash took a good look on Diantha Aurorus and in a flash he then analyze both the trainer and her pokemon.

Ash:Aurorus The Tundra Pokemon,Ice and Rock type,4x weakness Fighting and Steel,Ability Refrigerate

Diantha POV

He just stare at me and Aurorus in the entire time,it's like his analyzing us or something but I can't be disturb by his action now.

Diantha:Ash it been a long time huh?How many years has it been since we fight again like this?

Instead of answering my question he just stand there not moving or saying anything to me,Ash Ketchum you sure has changed so much.

Referee:Blue Corner please reveal your first pokemon

I wonder what pokemon will he use,is it his Kalos Team again or something different,His Pikachu doesn't look worried for his trainer at all.

Suddenly I saw Ash thrown his customized pokeball into the field revealing a Pokemon I never saw before.

MC:Holy Magicarp Folks!!! The Alola Champion just reveal his first pokemon into battle,a new pokemon I never seen before!!

Ash:Decidueye I choose you

As Ash throw his pokeball into the field it opened revealing a humanoid bird like Pokemon standing firm right into the field,Everyone in the arena stare at Decidueye in awe.

Diantha:I never seen that Pokémon before

Ash:Decidueye is a native Pokémon in Alola,they can be only found there and no where else

Ash grabbed something from his right pocket that has a lighting symbol on it and put it into his wrist.I didn't know what he do but I feel something bad is about to happen.

Diantha:Ash are you gonna use that Key stone of yours?

Ash looked at his Key stone attached in his right fingerless glove he was wearing,Ash didn't say something he just look at me with a straight face.

Ash:Sorry to disappoint you Diantha but I'm not using it

Diantha:Ohh you think you can win against me without using Mega-Evolved Pokemon,let see how long you last

No Body POV

Two trainers have chosen their first Pokémon they are now waiting for the referee to start the battle.

Referee:Aurorus vs Decidueye battle begin!!

Delia POV

We watching the match right now on the big screen because we couldn't see clearly from up here,the camera is broadcasting the two Pokémon on the field and not their trainers.

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