[2]The Arrival

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The whole arena is silent when a trainer arrived riding his Mega-Evolved Pidgeot and landed in the of the field.

The trainer got down from the magnificent bird and changed it back to normal form.As the trainer is talking to his Pidgeot everyone saw Mr.Goodshow came closer to the trainer and talk to him.

Ash:Sorry I'm Late

Charles:No its okay Ash,I'm glad you make it but next time can you landed somewhere else,I kinda in the middle of something important here!!

Ash:smirk I will try Mr.Goodshow

Charles:Okay since you here already stay beside then after my announcement follow me through my office

Ash:As you wish Mr.Goodshow,Pidgeot Return

The trainer returned Pidgeot back to it's pokeball and stand behind Mr.Goodshow waiting for him to finish his announcement.

Charles:Sorry for the intrusion everyone,As was I saying Let's enjoy this tournament to the fullest,so sit tight and enjoy the show!!

Everyone in the arena is clapping and shouting loudly then Mr.Goodshow turned his attention to Ash who standing behind him with his hands behind his back waiting for him.

Charles:Okay Ash just follow me and I show you your room where you were staying and after that let's go to my office

Ash:Understood,Pikachu let's go

Charles:Sorry everyone but I need to do something important for now but be patient I'll be back to finish the announcement.

Meanwhile at Ash Friends

They all still sitting on their seats thinking about that trainer who just arrived early.they all thinking that the trainer is look familiar to them especially to Delia and the girls.

Delia:Its my boy,he's back!!

Serena:Mrs.Ketchum are you saying that is Ash!!

Misty:Really I hardly recognize him from up here,we're so far away from there

Dawn:But he has a Pikachu on his shoulder and the only one I know that has a Pikachu in his shoulder is Ash,so it must be him

Iris:He look much more mature,His not kid anymore!

Gary:Come on let's go after him,maybe we can catch up to them if we hurry

Serena:Right let's go everyone!!

And so every Ash's friends stood up from their seats and follow Ash to where he is heading with Mr.Goodshow.

Ash and Mr.Goodshow just past through the hallway heading towards Mr.Goodshow office,while walking Ash suddenly ask something to the President.

Ash:What is it do you want to talk about Mr.Goodshow something about the tournament I assume?

Charles:Well yeah it's about a special event that I'm going to held before the  tournament elimination rounds start and the regionals champions are on it

Ash:Ohhh really including the champions huh,what kind of event is it?

Charles:It's a surprise for now Ash,Ahh we here!!

Standing beside the front door is two black suit men obviously Mr.Goodshow bodyguards.The President gestures Ash to come inside and take a seat.

Charles:So Ash do you realize when you have arrived that your friends and family is here?

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