Chapter 15: Green Eyes

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Megans POV:

"OH SHIT! MEGAN! Are you okay?" Courtney said yelling when she saw me

"Feeling better" I managed to say out of my mouth

"Ew please dont tell me what that is" she said after seeing all the redness inside the toilet

"Its the spicy food I had last night" I said rolling my eyes.

Courtney made a face and got out. I managed to stand on my feet and rinse my mouth in the sink.

"Maybe we should go see a doctor. Why would you throw up anyway?" she asked

"Big deal. Just ate something bad okay? I hate going to the hospitals so Im not going" I said chewing a gum I got out of my bag

"Fine but if you get sick again we are so going okay?" she said worried

I nodded and fixed myself in the mirror and got out.

I didnt feel like going to class or eating.. But I went along with Courtney anyway to eat.

Once we got inside, we both sat down exhausted from walking all the way here because taking a taxi would take forever in traffic in New York. Even living here for a long while, I never got to see Madison Square Garden. A part of my dream the one I kept forgetting but still always were there... It would be a dream come true if I performed there... It could be possible for me but still impossible for a normal girl...

"Okay lets just eat something healthy before you throw up again" Courtney said kinda joking at the same time

"Hehe. Ill have some salad and some chicken" I ordered

"Whats up with you and chickens?" Courtney asked

"Haha, well Im not good with meat" I admitted

"No wonder, your so skinny"

"Not as skinny as you" I said smiling

Surprisingly I ate my food pretty well without leaving anything, I guess I was starving but didnt know it. I watched Justins concert show from last night again while I ate. I cant stop watching it, it was perfect. Just then my facetime ringtone began to ring and Justins face shows up a few seconds later.

"Hey baby!" he greeted me after I answered his call

"HII! I seriously cant stop watching the concert from last night! Its amazing!" I said to him waving through the camera.

"Haha thats great. What are you doing?" he asked flashing his brilliant smile that wont never fade away.

"Um well... you know those girls? In the video on twitter.. the "you know who' at school? They again talked crapped until Courtney showed up and seriously made the cry" I said laughing, Justin laughed too.

"And right now Im eating lunch with Courtney! Say HI!" I said showing the phone camera to Courtney who was drinking her soda.

"Hey Courtney.." I heard Justins voice. I forgot we all had a bad past between us and Justin and Courtney havent met after the accident. I bet it was still awkward for the two. Which I had completely forgot about.

"Hi.." Courtney said, flashing a fake-ish smile. I brought the phone towards myself again and went on talking to Justin.

"So have you met up with Selena?" I asked for the millionth time

"Noo Megan! I havent okay? I wont meet up with her. So stop worrying!" he said frowning

"Sorry.. Just kinda nervous and stuff.. So what are YOU doing?" I said making a silly face at him.

"Fredo is actually on tour with me! Its fun with him, I was getting bored being alone" he said sticking his tounge out like a kid. "And well spent the morning sleeping. Kinda tired. Thinking about touring around Paris for a while now or something...but its no fun without you" he said

"Awwn your so cute!"I said pouting my lips.

"Cant wait for Thanksgiving. Mom will be happy to see you" he said smiling

"Yeah I really miss Pattie, Its been forever!" I said. Suddenly the thought of Jeremy came into my head.

"But your dad.." I said worried. Courtney shot a look at me. She didnt like Jeremy.

"Yeah I know. Dont worry the man will be over the crap okay? If anything goes wrong there with dad then please tell me. Im not letting my dad get to us okay?" he said promising.

I felt confident about it when Justin cleared it up.

"Okay Ill try to behave" I said smiling

"Haha your fine baby girl" he said smiling too

My heart pumped faster whenever he called me baby girl or princess. I gotta admit Justin does have a wonder girls were drooling over him ;)

"Kay, Talk to you later Mwah" I said sending him kisses. Then we hanged up. Courtney was smiling at me like crazy.

"Your so in looove" she said singing at the love part.

"Well your boyfriends a singer too, sooo its cool" I said playing it cool

"Haha well yeah.. James is a really calm person and very smooth. I like that about him" she said lost in thought about him.

Once we finished our food, we actually went touring around New York since it was a warm day today and there was nothing else to do.

As Courtney and I's heels went clank clank against the hard wooden floor as we went inside a musuem. I loved art actually, it was another hidden talent... We took pictures and read the paintings story and walked around. Just then Courtneys phone started ringing as she beamed at the caller.

"Its James. BRB" she said running away talking on the phone. I smiled and began to look down and walked along until I bumped into somebody and believe me, the person must have been very musculer because he had knocked me down to the floor.

"OW!" I said, rubbing my head.

"Oh my! Im very sorry" he said with he deep british voice. Which sounded familar. I looked up in confusion and curiousity until I remembered the guy.

"You! What are you doing here?" I said starring into his emerald green eyes...

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