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#SummerFools Chapter two: Sometimes, I just don't care

I woke up with my head throbbing.Well, I guess I woke on the wrong side of my bed, but of course, it is not the main reason.

Did I just dreamed of Juli!?

Holy mother of pigs

Hopefully, my dream will never be on reality because simply...Juli is dead.

I sound like a psychopath, but who cares? Juli. She always cares too much, that it killed her.

Warning for everyone: Sometime, I just don't care

Well, people matters but caring other people's matter? That is simply bullshit.Eating other people's bullshit like our own food won't make you feel full, it will make you feel a fool instead.

Lets go back to Juli.

My dream wasn't that bad, because it was very very bad!

Did she just mocked and laughed at me while she's in hell having a daily cup of tea with satan while I'm here in my room reading her goddamn "Summer Fools" named folder? Who am I kidding? Marco? Juli? Or satan?

That goddamned dream made me realized that I shouldn't be scared. Juli shouldn't laugh at me of course! How dare she.

Well, that is so childish of me.

Right now? I'm brushing my teeth with the toilet bowl's water.

Of course, that is a joke.

Brushing my teeth with the toilet bowl's water won't make me forget everything. In other words------it is like suicide.You don't leave everything behind when you die, you just pass the memories. Commemorate the shits you had done with your friends and fuckers.

Wearing those black chucks that I have been wearing for one year until now, matching a grey colored statement tee shirt----most of my shirts has good statements that will suit my personality---and of course, a pair of jeans. I don't do ripped jeans, they seemed to be girly for me.

Lets not talk about fashion. I don't even know a single thing about it-----and I don't totally care about knowing nothing about it.

I'm hungry for pete's sake. And where is my mom? Is she off to somewhere?


My mom is in the kitchen the whole time. What a sight I let out.

"Gigi, are you done mourning? You look okay now." She said while looking straight in my eyes.

I felt blank. What did I just heard? Mourning? Okay. She's probably talking about Juli.

"Mom, lets not talk about her. And what kind of breakfast is this?" I asked.Letting my shitty thoughts out.

"You already forgot it?" She asked sincerely.
What did I forgot? Huh?

"What? Please let me understand you." What the hell. I don't even understand our breakfast today.It is not the everyday breakfast I always eat.

"Today is Tuesday, honey."

Huh? Confuse me more, mom.

"And Juli eats her breakfast here every Tuesday and that's what she eats.We have our breakfast's schedule here honey." She added to her last sentence.

Oh....I totally forgot about it! The thought of Juli and satan having a daily cup of tea in hell occupied my mind! Ugh.

"Mom, Juli is already dead.And it's been a month!" I cried.

"Honey, that is a sign of respect. Yes, she's already dead but her body is the only one buried and not her memories."

Oh she had me at the "buried" part.

"Touché" I said while smiling and raising my hands as a sign of surrender.

Maybe I should visit her grave sometimes.

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As I said a while ago, it's been a month since Juli died, but she's still the "talk of the town". I hoped that many people would come in her funeral, but no one came.Simply because she never had her funeral.

I didn't know much about it but it is injustice! She deserves a nice burial and a funeral, but her family didn't gave her one. What a douchebag of her family. Is my tongue that bad? Uh-uh?

Please don't wonder why I'm not in school and studying right now, because it is freakin' summer.I'm still thinking if I'm going to open her hippie styled laptop again up to now.I just can't simply find the answer.So here's the thing I should say..... and it is about the Yna family; Juli's family.

Her mother isn't really that good, but we're not talking about how good they are, we're talking about how bad they are to Juli. Those nights.Those crying voices I always hear. Those fake laughs.They're probably from her family's fault.

Juli's father is a painter, not a well known but a painter. Her mother is a manager in a restaurant. Her family's not that rich but it should be rich with happiness. Every family should. Her two brother who were in college, like us. But they're seniors. Lets not talk about their names. We're not here about that.

Send up my faults above, but I loathe them.

She's not molested by her father nor her brothers. She's been feeling like a blacksheep in the family. Knowing Juli, a self pity queen in my life.

Her family is pressuring her to pursue her dreams-----wait let me correct myself----her family's dream.She can't contain happiness with her family pressuring her.And last semester's grades came out.She only have like two or three failed subjects, yet her family almost abandoned her! Almost is an understatement.She lived in our house for like two weeks because of that, and our schedules breakfast started with that.

As a very caring bestfriend---yes, I can call myself a very caring bestfriend.

Well, as a caring bestfriend, I became her daily dose of happiness. We didn't cared about our grades, and my parents knew about that and they don't care. We made songs together. Eat ice cream together. Watch Korean dramas. We didn't cared at all. But little did I know..... that it is her last month with us in this world. She suffered to survive.

I also wondered about those silica gels. How did she got a bunch of them? No one knows.

Well, it is good to watch the stars with her everynight after all.

You won't leave our minds like Diana did in the "Lights Out"
movie,Juli. I promise you.

Chapter Two

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