11. A Thing.

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She didn't want to meet with him. So she skipped Art class-Twice. She wasn't comfortable around Bin anymore because of the look on his face when she told him she couldn't be more than friends with him.

"Merita!" a voice yelled as she turned to see Lisa. "Yea..you called?"

"Sanha wants to see you. He's waiting in our gym" she said and left. She sighed walking quickly to the gym. Was he sick? Why was he waiting for her.? Besides wasn't it break? Couldn't he even call her? Why send Lisa?

She opened the Gym to see the lights were out. She struggled to turn the lights on when a hand grabbed her and she felt something on her lip. She tried pulling away but the figure still had held her tightly.

The figure pulled away and the light came on. "I'm sorry I stole a kiss from you. I knew you'd never kiss me if I ever tried to. Was it your first kiss?"

"No. It should be the Tenth or Twelfth but who's counting anyway... " she blushed turning red.

"Now the reason why you are here is because " he got down on one knee and took out a ring box. No freaking way. There was no way, she was going to marry him. No freaking way.

"Relax, I want to introduce to my mother. I sorta told her that you and I were a thing"

"Why would you tell her that?" she laughed as Sanha slid the ring into her finger and stood straight.

"Because, I like you-A lot"

"Sanha, I-"

"Don't push me away Snow White." he cupped her chin in his hands and leaned in to place a sweet kiss on her lip. He grabbed her hand with a smile.

"I wanted us to be more since the day I met you. I'm too attached to you. Snow White"

She sighed. She did like Sanha. She had fallen hopelessly for him but she made a promise. She had to fulfil it.



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