Chapter 1: Armed and...Dangerous?

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Dark rain fell unto ashen soil. The ground was covered with burnt tree ash. A large building sits in the distance.

Fox walks up beside me. "Why did this have to one intended...THAT destruction." He choked on his words. I turn and look at him sadly.

"Who could have seen it coming? None of us did." A brief panic sweeps me and I dash forward, eyes scanning the horizon. ------ has to be alive. He has to be. I couldn't live knowing it was my fault...

         I woke up in a cold sweat. My breath came in surprisingly shallow gasps, the pain and panic still gripping me. I put a hand to my palm. I was shaking and cold- it's like I have a fever all of a sudden! That dream- felt so real...the ash underfoot, and someone was dead. I had the most certain dread that someone important was dead. The dark walls of my quarters were scarcely lit by the hallway lights, but it was enough that I could stumble to the lightswitch and close my door. I blinked as my eyes adjusted. I had knocked my Arcbow off my bed during my fitful sleep. I picked it up and carefully filed away my arrows. The shakiness gradually wore off as I swept my gaze over my room. As fielders we had the gracious privilege of designing our rooms, unlike scouts. I had my bed bolted to the wall opposite the door in a bunk-bed/hammock fashion, a hook or two for my navigator and uniform, and a desk in the right hand corner. I also had a small storage chest in the other corner where I kept clothes and such. I hopped back into my bed, and tried to sleep, but could hardly close my eyes. I checked the time, realized I was only a little early, and decided to get ready for training. I jumped back down, a little agitated, and slipped on my boots and garb.

Soundtrack for this section, or the Headquarters theme:

      I stepped out onto the courtyard while a mist was falling. The concrete was a darker grey due to it being wet, and a few puddles were spread across it. Falcon was out here early, sharpening a set of throwing knifes. He glanced up at me, and a surprised look flashed on his face for a second before he shrugged and waved. I saluted and stood at attention. He paced around, glancing up at the cloudy sky. "So Arrow, I think you'll enjoy today's activities. Knife throwing is one of your strong suits." Sergeant Falcon commented. I nodded curtly, but rolled my eyes.

"If you say so. I have agility yes, but half the time the hilt ends up hitting the target instead of the blade." I replied bitterly. In fact, for some reason it had been happening only recently. Falcon gave me a thoughtful look.

"In any case, we're here to improve and perfect skill." My other training mates were arriving now. Fox and Drift arrived in their spots beside me, curious but quiet as ever- and inseparable. The twins only left each other's sides for missions. Allium, Night, and Jay trickled in also, Jay giving me a friendly wave. "Alright, class as you may of noticed I have my throwing knives out this morning. Each has their own purpose, and surprise, I'm going to test you all on their names and purposes. To start, how about latest to class begins." Night looked up in guilty surprise and she gave a wane smile. The sergeant pulled out the first knife, a small and well balanced blade. I almost sighed- ok, so last gets the easiest too apparently.

"Agility blade Sir. They're best for easy access throws that are low on time." She replied confidently.

"Very good. Drift, the second blade I have here?" He prompted.

     Drift hesitated, then looked at it more closely. "A...swordsman knife, it's good for blocking blades and close quarters." He earned a nod from the Sergeant. One by one knifes were named off and I excruciatingly waited for my turn. Fox didn't have a problem with his stellar memory, Jay was very good with any blade, and even Allium knew what a stark blade was without relying on her control of metal. I drew in a sharp breath. The last one...that I always forget the name of. "Alright, Arrow, the final blade please?" He waited.

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