The Hatred

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*Everyone is pole bear's style*

Nightmare Mangle was walking down the hallway of the child that Nightmare had killed. 'The child put up a good fight, but he needs to be stronger in order for me to fight. I need a challenge. Nightmare Foxy is out of the question. He won't help me with anything. He thinks that I'm a sad sack of life. I don't blame him. I am one. I am a mess. I am a problem. I want to disappear, but I can't. I have a hard time dying. I can't die. I'm supposed to live. I guess its not that bad in being a nightmare, but it sucks staying in one place for a long time. Its time for a change. Its time for me to leave. Its time for a real life then just staying here and not do anything.' N.M. walked into a room and saw Nightmare sitting there reading a book. Nightmare was the only animtronic that can understand other animatronics and what's wrong with them. Nightmare was the leader of all the nightmares. If one goes against him. Nightmare would kill them on sight. He's not afraid of loosing a nightmare. He can just recreate them. N.M. never went against his word. She knew that he would kill her and he wouldn't care. No one would care minus Marionne and N.B.B. Those two are the only ones that N.M. can go to.

Nightmare noticed N.M. and asked "Yes?"

N.M. shook her head and said "Sorry sir. I was thinking about something."

Nightmare nodded while reading a book that he found. N.M. was about to walk away until something popped in her head.

N.M. looked over at Nightmare and asked "Sir? Can I ask something?"

Nightmare nodded again and said "Sure what is it?"

N.M. walked more into the room after she turned around and asked "Can I go out in the world and do missions?"

Nightmare raised an eyebrow and asked "Missions?"

N.M. nodded and said "Yes sir. A mission."

Nightmare felt a smile, but since he can't he said "You may do a mission. There is a little girl who keeps surviving from a dearly good friend of mine."

N.M. nodded and left the room. N.M. thought while walking to the front door 'I'm not returning. No one would care if I died so why would I return.' The other nightmares watched N.M. leave the house. Some were more confused then others, but N.B.B. jumped off of a couch and walked over to N.M.

N.B.B. asked while stopping a few feet away from N.M. "Where are you going N.Mangle?"

N.M. looked over at N.B.B. feeling the most happiest she has been and said "I'm going on a mission!" She opened up the door and left the house.

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