Cameron was looking at Ian confused, they were so close, too close. He could feel the boys warm breath on his neck, Ian broke the hug and sat down in the couch waiting for Cameron to sit by him, which he did moments later after retrieving his laptop. He placed it on the green worn out coffee table.
Their hands touched slightly, as Cameron moved closer to him, making him blush. He steared at Ian's eyes for what it seemed forever , his only weakness , his perfect irises.
There was silence.
" I-Ian I-I.." He couldn't finish the sentence , he was afraid. The taller boy leaned into him, their lips barely touching, the pressure was too big.
He had to.
He wanted to.
The white haired boy leaned into Ian and kissed him.It was just a soft kiss, indeed Cameron's first kiss with a dude. He couldn't forget the feeling of his bare lips touching his ones, he just wanted to stand up and run away, but he couldn't.
Ian pulled out of the kiss an looked deeply into the boy's eyes and said " Dude, that was insane " Cameron looked disappointed ,he thought that he felt the same way. " I-I'm sorry " he excused himself looking down not to see Ian's face, " No, no, I didn't mean to say that. " he paused " like, I , um, I feel the same way about you " he grabbed the smaller boy's hands. They were now both laying one on top of each other, dangerously close.
Cameron just looked so vulnerable on top of the imponent blue haired boy. It was even funny, how both of them were so different, but at the same time so peculiarly similar.
The room felt so warm, birds could be heard from miles away. Ian's nostrils were filling up with a slight smell of roses coming from Cameron's body lotion that make his skin glow with a pink tint.
The room felt silent. The birds had stopped. It was just the two of them. Just a pair of layers separating their naked glowing bodies.
Ian, as the impatient prick he was, wouldn't shut up and flow with the ambient. " Are your ready?" He whispered to the smaller pall. Cameron gave him a confused gaze , but then managed to blurt out " always. ".
Ian smiled, getting the reference, making his companion blush , as he didn't expect him to know anything about it. A spine chilling feeling ran down Cameron, he had wanted this for so long . Nothing would stop him now.
As Ian unbottoned Cameron's shirt, the white haired boy couldn't help himself from thinking about his figure, such beauty, a perfect body. Which never lead to anything particularly good. But lust brushed the thoughts aside, hoping for the best, and hoping he would be able to walk after this one.
Both lovers were completely naked, their bodies touching, making Cameron blush harder. The thought of Ian leaving him for another chick made him mad, but still... He wanted him badly, like he wanted his body for ages now. He forcefully pushed his feelings aside, letting lust invade him.

RomanceIan, little did he know what was ahead of him. He had never thought true love was real, Until that one day he came across a pale daemon He called him Cameron He left him empty, Soulless