Chapter 4: Deep Secrets

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Argenis now living with Roel has become a wonderful experince. He has wanted a brother for as long as he could remember, and he soons develops his werewolf powers. The Rodriguez was a great host that loved Argenis for many years until they could adopt him, when they did he became the happist boy ever. Roel, Joel, Maria, Adam, and, uncle Omar Rodriguez all had a new member in the family which they loved.

Gabriel Santos has dated Rachel for over one year now, Argenis was pissed by that. When he found out Gabriel was lying about his injury; he wanted to tell Rachel so she didn't have to suffer by taking care of the lying scum bag of a boyfriend. He went to Rachel's house knocked on the door, and saw her sister Sara he said hello to her then asked where was Rachel. She told him Rachel was at Gabriel's house, he got pissed and transformed in to the werewolf. As he was in werewolf form a mysterious group of people came by and noticed him from when they killed his family.

These mysterious people tried to hunt him down but failed because he was to fast for them. One of these mysterious hunters shouted your mother wasn't that when we killed her. Argenis got pissed filled with anger charged at the guy that said that and sliced his elbow, Another man smacked the werewolf just to be thrown a block away.

The mysterious people all fled the scene and left the wolf to wonder what the hell just happened. Argenis didn't know this but these mysterious people were closer then you think. 

Stay tune to find out who these mysterious people really are and if Argenis wins Rachel's heart. also does Roel gets Rachel's twin sister heart find out in the next character as we meet the Johansson family.

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