What Bear brings to this QAR development project is awareness of the way energy flows support life and allow life (Eagle) to defy entropy (Raven) and create order and information. He knows that all energy flows are self-patterning, self-ordering through the tendency of entropy to induce ever more efficient flow patterns. He knows that flows continue as long as the energy gradient persists. Spreading flows diverge, and the divergences offer opportunities to branch, always taking the path of least resistance, least action, and grooving that in. He knows as well that less viable paths tend to oppose each other and cancel out. Meanwhile merging flows deepen their own channels. All this another aspect of balance.
In QAR, with enhanced access to the Q, Bear senses the way photonic flows are kept in balance by electrical polarities. He also senses the way that gravity tends to create merging flows. He can reach out to the Q and sense the existence of distant massive black holes, those ultimate gravitic sinks that may eventually overwhelm all photonic entities and complete the entropy of the universe. He can feel the tendencies toward vortices and points. But with this he also senses why true point-like mergers are unlikely, perhaps impossible, instead nearly always encountering instabilities that create vortices. He knows that vortices may evolve to stable orbits if left alone, but otherwise tend to tighten as energy is lost via electrical encounters and photonic emissions. He knows that atoms are small stable energy vortices, tiny pockets of perfect resonance that have evolved from chaos, descendents of the Raven and brothers to the Eagle. All this, he knows, is nature's way. All this emergent from the Q.
Having immersed himself in the Haida dream, Bear has emerged from it into his own Sun Dome dream of a similar culture, not fixed as most modern cultures had become (or thought they should be) but mutable as the Haida culture had been over the long ages, each Dome its own manifestation of the essence of mutually resonating vibrant lives, in tune with nature's way.
His challenge is to evoke that dream in others via QAR, offering them his sense of the Sun Dome as a world in miniature, able to thrive on its own through the energy flow from the Sun Bottle, constantly generating new life in all its variety, keeping it in balance through its own actions on itself, its own goal of survival as an entity of entities, each entity within acting in support of the goal for all, through its own naturally evolved responses and through new responses developed in the face of newness and change.
Through QAR he hopes to demonstrate that the common mode of life for all creatures is reciprocity, a balance of give and take, whether this stems from unquestioning intuitive behavior or from thoughtful choice. Through the Q he hopes to evoke a sense of the spiritual continuity underlying the physical realm, the faith this brings that hope is everlasting, love and charity returned.
Seated comfortably in the chair, he starts by opening the complete Sun Dome program, so he has access to all its parts. Then he focuses on the farm segment, this being the central and most critical. Visiting a real Sun Dome he of course would have to traverse whatever roads and corridors led from the surrounding terrain through the dome to its interior. In VR he can simply choose to be there.
Once there and ready to begin, there are three main modes to select from; Hyper, Normal, and Dream. In Hyper mode all his senses would be acute, each scene presented to him in sharp detail, as if his nerves were charged with adrenaline. In Normal the experience would be nearly indistinguishable from physically being there. In Dream, the scene would be more attuned to his own responses, allowing peripheral details to fade and transmute as his thought patterns shift. It is the Dream mode that Bear intends to enhance.
Dream mode is very much like normal dreaming, but with a predetermined theme and an extra level of suggestiveness to guide the dreamer. It is akin to the shaman dream that Bear has lived for months. In it he has stronger feedback from the Q, sensing not just how things are but how they might be. In the farm, he approaches a seed bed, and senses intimately how the life in it is seeking moisture, warmth and light. He knows that Marian and others who helped Ray create this segment imbued the program with these aspects, but now via the Q he summons in more detail the ways that every living cell filters the water, attracting nutrients, ejecting waste.
Ray is recording these enhancements, and Bear's interactions with the Q that evoke them. With these added to the program, every dreamer who enters it will be subliminally teased with this awareness, enhancing their link to the Q, deepening their dream, awakening their own sensitivity.
As Bear in the dream walks slowly through the farm he brings the same intimacy, the same love, to every detail, every seedling rapidly growing upward, every mature plant bearing fruit, every busy bacterium in the soil converting waste into nutrients the plants will need to grow stronger. He brings it to the fish in the water below, and to the algae in the water that convert waste from above to food for the fish.
Xayna joins Bear in this dream, walks with him and adds her own admiration and understanding to his. Her presence turns Bear's task into a joyous experience, infusing it with her special love. With her help the whole process becomes easier, happens faster, captures the essence of life in the farm more completely. Bear is delighted.
...And We Will Have Snow
Science FictionGlobal warming, global cooling, what if all the predictions are right? Or worse, what if all the predictions are wrong? Can humans truly hope to understand the complexities attendant on such changes, never mind explain their relation...