Bob's Burgers: The Book

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This book is based on the show Bob's Burgers on fox. Each section will be divided into episodes.

Episode: Hotel nightmares. Linda said,"Bob! Bobby wobbly! What should we watch?" Bob said,"Don't call me Bobby wobly." Linda said,"You are no fun Bob." Bob said,"Fine. I am only here for my gorgeous turkey in the oven Linda." Linda said,"Of course you are. Bobby boy loves his meat." Bob said,"Ok Linda." Louise said,"My favorite part is when we eat the turkey. Suffer turkey! Ha ha ha!" Louise said wickedly. Jean said,"My favorite part is when I talk to the turkey. The turkey can talk to me." Bob said,"No it can't. Turkey's don't talk."'Linda said,"They do if you use your imagination!" Tina said,"Sometimes I pretend the turkey is Jimmy Pesto. And then I talk to the turkey." Louise said,"The turkey is gonna suffer! Ha ha ha!" Linda said,"I love this family." Bob said,"Is it because you can relate to crazy people like us?" Linda said,"Sure. Let's go outside Bob. Kids. Stay in here." Bob and Linda went outside and had some fresh air. A Mexican guy came up to them. He said,"Yo." Then he left. Bob said,"Don't say yo to me punk!" The Mexican heard him. They went inside. It was already night time now. The lights went out. They all screamed. Including Bob. His scream sounded like a girl. Bob said,"It's ok." Linda started screaming,"THE MEXICANS ARE AFTER US!" Tina said,"I got my hair!" Jean said,"I got the power!" Louise said,"I got my angry face on. Grrrrrrrr." Linda screamed,"BOB! YOU SHOULD HAVE NEVER TOLD HIM OFF. SEE WHAT HAPPENED. I need some wine." Bob said,"Everyone calm down! The power just went out, it's ok." Linda said,"I got my fork." Linda stabbed Bob. Bob said, "Ow. Linda. That's me you just poked." Linda said,"Sorry Bob." Bob said,"Now I am going to freak out. Oh no. The blood!" Linda said,"You aren't gonna bleed." Bob said,"Yes I am." Linda said,"Whatever. I need wine." The lights went back on. They all screamed. Bob screamed like a girl again. Everyone looked at him. Bob said,"Um..........Tina stop screaming." Tina said,"That was your girly scream that time." Linda said,"We were all calm kids. Right Bob?" Bob said,"Not really." Linda said,"Bob, yes we were. We deserve ice cream." They got ice cream and they all ate in silence. No one brought up his moment never ever again.

Episode: Bugging Tina. Tina was randomly dancing in her room. She had a picture of Jimmy Pesto on her wall. She said,"Jimmy Pesto! I didn't notice your perfect face. I love you." Tina stopped dancing and started to kiss the picture of Jimmy Pesto on her wall. Linda came in. Linda said,"Tina? What did I tell you about kissing the Jimmy Pesto on the wall?" Tina said,"Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Linda said,"I told you not to. Now. Let's get to the good stuff. I hid a wine in your room and I am looking for it." Tina said,"Do you hide wine in anyone else's room?" Linda said,"No. I hid my wine in here cuz Bob said I drink to much. That's not true." Tina said,"Well mom, you do drink a lot." Linda said,"That's what moms are supposed to do. Yep. I found it. It was under your bed. There's no more in here so you can carry on. Bye my tiny Tina." Tina said,"Bye mom." Louise came in Tina's room. Louise said,"Hello. I am looking for my bunny ears. Where are they!!!!!" Louise started to tear up Tina's room. Tina noticed them on her head. Tina said,"Louise I found them. They are on top of your head." Tina said,"Oops. Now you are gonna clean up your room Tina! Hahaha!" Louise ran out of Tina's room. Jean came in. He screamed,"HI TINA!" Tina said,"Leave me alone. Why does everyone keep bugging me?" Jean said,"Do you got girly problems going on?" Tina said,"NO! I AM TRYING TO KISS THE JIMMY PESTO ON THE WALL!!!" Jean said,"Tina has got girl problems!" He ran out of the room singing that. Tina shut her door. Now, some alone time. Bob came in and said,"Tina. Time for dinner." Tina said,"Ok." She sighed and said,"Ok. Jimmy Pesto, I will see you later." Then she left.

Episode: Friend Revenge. Jean had a friend named James. James was gross. That's why Linda put him in the room with Jean. Jean said,"So who can fart the longest.....huh? You can't be as gross as me." James said,"Yes I am. I don't want to be your friend." Jean said,"Fine." James left and went home. Louise came in and said,"I heard about your little fight. Let's have some friend revenge! Hahahaha!" Jean said,"Ok. Friend revenge!" Louise and Jean snuck over to James house. Louise said,"I brought some spiders to put in his room. Hahahahahaha!" Jean said,"We got the power!" Louise said,"Oh yes we do." Louise put the spiders in the room. Louise said,"Too bad they aren't poisonous." Jean said,"Let's go." James woke up the next morning and there was spiders all over him. He had to evacuate his room and sleep in the bathroom. Louise said,"That's what I call friend revenge! Hahahahahaha!"

Episode: The evil monkey Louise hates. Linda said,"Kids. Come on. I got something for Louise!" The kids came down. Tina said,"What! I was trying to kiss the Jimmy Pesto on the wall!" Linda said,"What did I tell you? Don't kiss the Jimmy Pesto on the wall." Tina said,"Nothing will stop me from Jimmy Pesto." Linda said,"I got a monkey." Linda took it out. She handed it to Louise. It was one of those monkeys with the red ryes and the cymbals. It was nighttime already. Louise went to bed. The monkey started to play the cymbals. Louise said,"ENOUGH! I HATE THIS STUPID MONKEY!" Then she smashed it with the hammer from under her pillow. The monkey stopped playing the cymbals. Louise said,"Good." Then she went to sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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