Teamwork and Fighting

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So Kori joins the twins in this one. And you get some advise on how to hug people. Enjoy!

Kori POV

I'm exhausted. But I need to find Harry. I easily find him walking with Ron and Hermione.

"A word, Harry?" He looks a little nervous.

"What were you doing last night?"

"I don't know what you mean," he says. My nose twitches. Totally a lie.

"Yes you do. Would you like to tell me or do I need to hex you."

"You're not aloud to hex people," Ron says boldly.

"Tell that to your brothers. Now, spill or electricity stops your heart."

"Wait, you know hexes that powerful? How?" Asks Hermione.

"Ravenclaw. Self taught. Now, do I need to use my wand or can you just tell me?"

"You have to swear you won't tell anyone," Harry says.

"Who would I tell?"

"Your friends. The Weasley boys. A teacher," Ron lists.

"What friends? Why would I tell those mediocre excuses for students? And I don't want to over complicate anything."

"I was looking for information on the sorcerers stone," Harry says. My eyes light up.

"I'll send you an owl on everything I know."

I walk to breakfast and grab my typical toast, not even sitting before walking off.

"Tut tut," I hear a voice behind me. "You'll never survive without a proper breakfast."

"It's the most important meal of the day," another voice adds. 

"This is proper for an American," I say to the red heads.

I keep walking but their footsteps follow me. Only one way to get rid of these stalkers. I walk towards the Ravenclaw common room.

"Imagine you are a bus driver. You drive in Seattle, Washington, where you see a lot of blue. Ten people get on at one stop, five people the next, then seven people get on, two people get off. Twenty people get on, thirty get off. What is the eye color of the bus driver?"

I answer without any hesitation. "Green." The painting opens. Time to write that letter to Harry.

"How did she-"

"I was thinking blue-"

"Well clearly-"

"We'll just wait for her." 

I quickly wrote my letter and give it to my owl, telling her to set it on his pillow. Now to leave. I have thirty minutes and it will probably take ten to get to the library. I go to the painting of an eagle in the common room. No one is around. I stroke the eagle then ask for permission to pass. He moves out of his painting. I duck behind it into the secret stairway. I walk to the library and get some restful minutes of reading in. Ten till the bell I get up to walk to potions. I run into complications down the hall.

Time warp to when Kori entered Ravenclaw common room.

Fred POV

We were amazed. We approached the painting, planning on answering the same riddle.

"I have eyes but don't see. What am I?" I look to George for help.

"A blind person?" He tries. The knocker seems to glare at us.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now