Detention and a Little More Trouble

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The next day classes proceeded as normal. Kori and Fred and George completed their work but during class, trouble found them in the form of a snappy, stone-faced professor of doom with sweeping robes that reminded Kori of both Batman and Kilo Ren. 

"Miss Dragneel, you and the two Weasley boys did not show up to detention yesterday. Why was that?"

"We forgot."

"You forgot? Maybe an extra week of detention will help you remember."

"Yes, sir." The rest of the school day went by like fire. Kori and the Weasley twins tromped down to the dungeon. 

"You three will restock all the ingredients. No magic; that interferes with the ingredients. You have an hour before your next task." Snape swept out of the room.

"Next task? Are we, like Greek heroes or something?" Kori said, beginning to open the boxes of extra supplies. 

"Greek heroes?" George asked as he began unscrewing the caps of the jars.

"Yeah. Like Hercules and Theseus and Atlanta," she replied.

"Who?" Fred asked as he helped restock the wormwood. Kori paused from restocking the gillyweed to look at the two in astonishment.

"Okay, how do you not know who Hercules is? He is literally everywhere! He is the most well-known Greek hero of all heroes and he really didn't do anything that fantastic."


"We didn't know you would be this mad about it, Dragon!" The twins said completing their thought.

"I'm not mad, just, super surprised. He's like the Starbucks of ancient Greece, everywhere you turn, he's there."

"What's . . . Starbucks?" the twins asked. Kori gave them a look before closing the gillyweed jar and moving on to restock eye of newt (ewe). The three continued restocking in silence for a small moment of time before Fred broke the silence. 

"So, these heroes, are there stories about them?"

"So many stories!" Kori said getting a little excited. Her eyes shone and held the same excitement Fred saw when they were at the bookstore. 

"Could you tell us one?" George asked. "Start with Hercules." Kori blinked twice before smiling.

"Okay!" She began telling the story of his birth and how he got his strength and him becoming a murderer and his trials and when he joined the Argonauts and how he died. At the end, Fred and George were, well, shocked.

"Betrayal!" Fred shouted when Kori told him about Hercules wife poisoning him. She laughed slightly before saying that almost all Greek stories ended in tragedy and death, even if the person was heroic. 

They finished restocking and picked up the mess they made. Snape entered the room with Kori standing in front of the two boys (who were in front row seats) retelling the story of Atlanta. Snape cleared his throat. Kori stopped mid sentence.

"And as the bear approached her--" She looked at Snape who looked at her.

"Am I . . . interrupting?" he drawled.

"Yeah! Atlanta just got left in the wilderness by her parents who disowned her," Fred said. He turned to Kori and gestured for her to continue.

"I will not--"

"SHHHHHH!" George shushed. He turned back to Kori and listened attentively. Snape sighed and sat behind his desk. 

"Please continue," he said. Kori did.

The Dragon Witch (Fred Weasley X Kori Dragneel/reader)Where stories live. Discover now