"Introduced Him To Real"

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Re'nae POV

I wake up wondering, where the hell am I? Then I realize I'm in Raquel's guest room. I don't have my clothes on from last night, I'm in a robe. I get up and take a shower, I put my nude color panty set on and go into Raquel's room.

Me"I know this bitch not sleep, it's 1:30." *I whisper to myself

I walk over to her and wake her up.

Me"Good morning."
Raquel"Good morning." *she mumble half asleep


I wake up and see Re'nae standing over me with this dumb look on her face.

Re'nae"Good morning."
Me"Good morning." *I mumble half asleep
Re'nae"Girl wake up, its 1:30 in the afternoon."
Me"Ugh." *I roll out of bed
Re'nae"Get yo ass in the shower." *she pinch her nose
Me"My nigga, I ain't stank."
Re'nae"Go!!" *she point to the bathroom

I get in the shower, then put on some sweats and my bra.

Re'nae"What happened last night?"
Me"You was drunk as a bitch, I had to drag you out and bring you here!"
Re'nae"Thankyou!" *she laugh
Re'nae"Did anybody post anything on instagram?"
Me"Yeah, me, Angel & Chris."
Re'nae"I'm finna go on there."

@renae_smile liked and commented: 👯😝😍😍

Me"Thanks bestfriend!" *I stick my tongue out
Re'nae"Mhm, oou you didn't tell me Lucas posted something." *she shows me her phone
Me"Oh, him too." *I blush
Re'nae"What happened between y'all last night?"
Me"Nothing, we just talked and danced."
Re'nae"Mhmm, anyways, I'm finna post my picture I took."

 @renae_smile: got a lil carried away 🥂 recap of last night 🙄

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@renae_smile: got a lil carried away 🥂 recap of last night 🙄

@raquel_londyn liked and commented: yup!! 😍😍😍😍

@angelmarie liked and commented: ^

@yfnmichael liked and commented: 😎😜

Me"That's so cute!"
Re'nae"Thanks bestfriend!" *she stick her tongue out
Me"What we finna do today?"
Re'nae"I'm finna hang out with the dude from the party last night."
Re'nae"What you finna do with Lucas?" *she smirk
Me"Girl, nothing!" *I laugh

Just then, I get a text from Lucas.

*Oouu Cliffhanger*

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