"Family BBQ (pt.2) Continued"

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Me"Ooou, momma you looking hot!!"
Momma"You know it." *she show off

I got here early to help my mom cook. It's 2:00 and everybody posed to start arriving at 3:00

Me"Mom, I want you to meet my boyfriend Lucas."
Lucas"Hi, Ms. Londyn." *he smiles
Momma"Boy, stop that. You can call me Trenice." *she smile
Lucas"Nice to meet you." *he laugh
Momma"Great job with this one, he very handsome." *she stare at him
Lucas"Well thankyou, thankyou." *he brag
Me"Shut up." *I punch his arm
Me"Who all in here?"
Me"So you was cooking all this shit by yo self?"
Momma"Girl." *she grab a spatula and hit me on my booty
Me"Owe!" *I laugh
Momma"Stop all that muthafuckin cussing."
Me"Ma! You just-, never mind." *I laugh it off
Momma"Open that mac and cheese and get started on that."
Me"Babe, you can go sit on the couch and watch TV."
Lucas"Is there anything you need help with Momma Trenice?"
Momma"No, thankyou son."
Lucas"No problem." *he walk to the couch and go on his phone

About 5 minutes later, Tiba show up with Nari.

Tiba"Hey momma!!" *she run and hug her
Momma"Hey baby!! How you doing?"
Tiba"Good, I missed you."
Nari"Gramma!" *she hug her
Momma"How my baby doing?" *she kiss her
Momma"You getting good grades in school?"
Momma"I guess Imma have to slide you some money then."
Nari"Alright bet."
Me"Bae c'mere." *he get up
Me"This my sister Tiba and her daughter Nari."
Lucas"Nice to meet y'all."
Tiba"Ooouu nice to meet you too, Raquel ain't tell me you was this fine." *she look in shock
Momma"Right." *she jump in
Nari"Dang untie." *she shows interest
Me"Y'all a trip." *I laugh
Momma"Alright Quel and T y'all needa come on with this food."
Tiba"Ok momma."

We start helping her with the food. Lucas and Nari go to the couch.

Lucas POV

I go sit down at the couch with Nari. We chilling until she start speaking to me.

Nari"So, where you from?"
Me"I'm from the A."
Nari"Same here, how tall you is?"
Nari"Oh ok, why you like my untie, it better not be cause she got a fat ass."

I start busting out laughing.

Me"Yo momma let you use that language?"
Nari"No, but you ain't gon tell her right." *she lowkey demands
Me"Nah, I got you."
Nari"But why you like her?"
Me"I see something different in her, I know she the one."
Nari"That's cute, where y'all met at?"
Lucas"Damn, you ask a lot of questions."
Nari"That's my job, you dealing wit my untie. That's a plus."
Lucas"Buffalo Wild Wings."
Nari"And she didn't take me? Alright I'm done asking questions." *she laugh
Lucas"I like yo Space Jams, I peeped you and yo momma was matching."

(Nari outfit in the mm)

Nari"Thankya, you gotta Instagram?"
Me"Yeah, it's @lucaslucas"
Nari"Imma follow you and you better follow back."
Me"You a evil child." *I laugh
Nari"Be quiet." *she laugh
Me"Did you follow?"
Nari"Yeah, oh my gosh! You that Instagram famous dude that my friend got a crush on. I'm finna call ha."

Nari POV
FaceTime call...

Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: Hello
Me: Hey!! Guess who I'm wit
Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: Who *she say moving around her shoe boxes
Me: *I point the camera at Lucas
Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: Oh my gosh!!!! It's Lucas!!
Lucas: Wassup *he smile
Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: I love you soooo much, and you so fine *she say boldly
Lucas: I love you too and thankyou
Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: Nar, how you know him!!
Me: He my untie boyfran
Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: That's crazy yo
Me: Yeah, I'm finna go now tho
Nana🌍🤤👯😝🤘🏽: Call me later
Me: Aight, bye

Lucas POV

Me"Is you actually gon call that girl later?" *I laugh
Nari"Probably not." *she laugh

The doorbell ring.

Nari"I'm finna get that." *she get up

She open the door and I hear her yelling from around the corner.

Nari"Untie Re'nae!!"
Re'nae"Hey baby!!"
Nari"I missed you."

(FYI: Re'nae Ain't Really Her Auntie, She Just Call Her That)

Re'nae"Same here."
Nari"Come in." *she close the door
Nari"Who is this?"
Re'nae"This my boyfriend Chris."
Chris"Wassup lil mama."

They walk into the kitchen, I can actually see them at this point.

Re'nae"Hey momma!" *she kiss her cheek
Momma"Hey baby, how you been? It's been a minute."
Re'nae"Right, I'm good."
Re'nae"Hey bestfriend." *she hug her
Raquel"Hey bitch!" *she put a dumb look on her face
Re'nae"Hiiii sis!" *she hug Tiba
Re'nae"Oh, Y'all this my mans Chris."
Chris"Hello, how y'all doing?"
Momma"Oou Re'nae he cute."
Re'nae"Thanks momma."
Re'nae"I'm finna help y'all with this food." *she put her purse down

Chris and Nari walk over to me.

Chris"What up man."
Me"Yo yo yo." *I stand up, dap him up, and sit back down
Nari"Why you like Re'nae?"
Me"Here she go with these questions man." *I warn him and laugh
Chris"Cause that's my baby."
Nari"Nah, what makes her different?"
Chris"Personality and whole appearance."
Nari"Good enough."


It's 2:50 and the people should start arriving at any time now. Did I mention my mother has a mansion. Oops! She rich as fuck.

This her house.

We set up everything and lay it out

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We set up everything and lay it out. I go sit on the couch and chill until people get there.

Me"Hey babe." *I kiss him
Lucas"Hey baby, you getting that food done?"
Me"It's done already."
Lucas"Oh that's wassup."

Re'nae and Tiba then come over.

Re'nae"Bae, where my jacket at?"
Chris"In the car."
Re'nae"I thought I brought it wimmie." *she go out to the car
Tiba"What you was over here doing?"
Nari"Asking them questions." *she point at Lucas and Chris
Lucas"Yeah, a lot of em."
Tiba"Excuse her, she just protective of her aunties."

People start arriving. We start eating, playing games, listening to music, and dancing. Nari talks and hangs with all her cousins, Lucas meets some men in the family, Chris hanging with Re'nae, everybody having a good time. Everybody liked Lucas and Chris. The BBQ was a success. It's now time for everybody to leave. Everybody leaves and we say our goodbyes. The only people left is me and Lucas, Tiba and Nari and my mom.

Me"Mom, you gon be alright by yo self?"
Momma"Girl please, I always am. In this big ole house."
Me"Ok, I love you." *I kiss her
Tiba"Alright momma take care." *she kiss her
Nari"Bye momma! Love you." *she hug her
Tiba"Be good baby, and you gotta get yo bag out my car."
Me"I'm coming."

I walk outside and open the trunk so Nari can put her bag in. Tiba says bye again and then leaves. Nari and I go back inside.

Me"Babe, I forgot to tell you that Nari spending the night."
Lucas"Alright coo."
Momma"Alright y'all, get out my house. I'm going to bed." *she start walking upstairs
Me"Bye ma." *I close the door and lock it

We get in the car and drive home.

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