"Business Is Business (pt.2)"

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Lucas POV

We get to the studio and walk in. I go to the back and see John.

(Lucas outfit in the mm)

Me"Wassup." *I dap him up
John"Wassup man."
Me"This my girl, Raquel."
Raquel"Nice to meet you." *she shake his hand
John"I seen this lil fine broad on Instagram."
Raquel"Thankyou." *she smile
Me"Ight now." *I warn him
John"Let's get you in this booth."

I walk into the booth. Raquel sits on the bench.

(I just wanna: by Lucas)

I just needa know a couple things, like is you down for the real me...

Y'all crazy if you think you finna hear the whole song right now. I take the headphones off and walk out the booth.

John"Play it back." *he instructs
Me"Yo that sounded so dope." *I vibe with it
John"I think.. it's gonna be a hit." *he nods his head
Raquel"I loved it!"
Me"Thank you. Appreciate it."
John"I'll give you a call man, we gotta make a music video for this sometime soon."
John"It was nice meeting you." *he refers to Raquel
Raquel"Same here." *she smile
Me"Aight, we out." *I grab Raquel hand and walk out

We get in the car and drive to Walgreens.

Raquel"I'll be right back."
Me"Hell no, after last time. You ain't going in no where by yo self lil mama."
Raquel"I can handle myself Lucas."
Raquel"Just give me this one last chance."
Me"Fine." *I huff and puff


I walk inside Walgreens and grab me some eyebrow gel. I go to the register and it's some black nigga at the register.

Employee"Did you find everything good?"
Employee"$3.53" *he scans my item

I pay him.

Employee"You got a fat ass." *he hands me my receipt
Me"Disrespectful ass nigga." *I snatch my receipt and flick him off

I get back in the car.

Lucas"So, what happened? I know something happened."
Me"The register dude said that I had a fat ass."

Lucas unfastens his seat belt.

Me"No baby, it's not even worth it."
Lucas"He disrespected my girl."
Me"It's ok." *I insist

Lucas drives off. We go home and just chill for the rest of the day.

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