Chapter 2: Hot Drink

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Class was still going on, and you were close to falling asleep. The teacher turned around, her back facing the rest of the class as she wrote something down on the board.

This lesson about algebra had been particularly boring today. Or maybe it was just you.

You couldn't tell.

Just as your eyes had started drooping, the sound of the bell pierced the air. Everyone let out a sigh of relief as you stretched.

The teacher packed her things and had already left. You follow in pursuit, placing your belongings into your bag before rushing out the door.

As you bought your normal order of hot chocolate, you saunter out of the cafeteria and towards the rooftop, careful not to spill the drink on yourself as you knew you'd get burnt if it did.

Focusing on the one thing had dulled your sense to focus on the figure that had started it make its way towards you, completely lost in his own world as he didn't notice you.

Within a few seconds, you finally look up at the figure, but it was too late. He immediately crashed into you, causing the cup to fall, it's contents spilling all over your hands and feet, while the remainder dropped onto the marble-tiled floor.

Due to the fact that you were wearing open shoes, the hot liquid scalded you badly. Jimin's eyes widened as you hissed in pain, falling down on your butt immediately.

"I-I'm so sorry Y/N. A-Are you alright?" Jimin asked worriedly. 

"Do you think I'm alright?" You let out a bit too harshly, but you didn't give it much attention as you were trying your best to soothe down the pain.

"I-I will take you to the infirmary," he stuttered as he stood up, lifting you up by your hands. He placed your right arm around his shoulder as he snaked his arm around your waist.

You jumped a little by the sudden touch, but didn't make a fuss as you just wanted the pain to go away. He slowly led you towards the infirmary, making sure nothing else would happen to your scalded foot.

But his hand never left your waist. 

You reached the infirmary in a few moments. Jimin settled you down on a bed, putting your feet up for you before rushing inside the nurse's office to look for her.

Within a few seconds, you see Jimin coming back out and the nurse rushing behind him with a first aid kit.

"How did you get this dear?" She asked as she tended to your wound.

"I spilled a hot drink I bought on myself," you clarify. It was half the truth, you just didn't want to put Jimin's name in.

"Oh dear, be more careful," she exclaims. You flinch at the pain as she applied the ointment before wrapping it up lightly.

"Do you have class with her next?" She turned around to face Jimin. He glances your way before nodding.

The nurse jots something down on a post-it note, giving it to him, "Give this to your teacher to explain Y/N's absence."

Jimin absent-mindedly glances at the pink note in his hands, and back up at you. Heat crawls up to your cheeks as you try your best to avoid looking up at him.

"Go go," the nurse shoos him and he reluctantly walks away.

"Stay here until school ends, okay? Once the bell rings, you can go home. It's best not to apply pressure to the wound, or walk on it as it may damage it more," she explains, giving you a warm smile before walking away.

You sigh, leaning your head back and closing your eyes, awaiting the end of school. (That sounded a bit ominous, or is just me?)

. . .

Just as the bell rang for home time, the door slammed open, revealing Tzuyu and behind her was Jimin with a terrified look on his face.

You were guessing he got scared because of Tzuyu's sudden action, because even you were a little shocked.

She stormed in with an angry look on her face, followed by Jimin. As soon as she came beside you, Tzuyu smacked your arm really hard, making you groan in pain.

"Ow, what the heck, Tzuyu? That hurt," you whine.

"At least my smack didn't burn you," she folds her arms across her chest, burning holes into your face. You look down, avoiding eye contact with her.

"What the hell were you thinking, getting a hot drink and not focusing on the huge person that was clearly in front you?" She scolded you.

"And you," she turned around, glaring at Jimin whose eyes were widened at her actions as he feared the worst, "Can't you see where you're going as well? Get lost in your imaginations at home, boy. Be thankful she wasn't carrying around a knife otherwise who would know what would've happened."

It was your turn to smack her arm and glare at her.

"Ow," she pouts before asking, "How are you gonna get home?"

You shrug, "Can't do anything, I'll have to walk home."

Tzuyu opened her mouth to say something but Jimin cut her off, "I could drop you to your house." Now Tzuyu and you turn to look at him, "That is if you're alright with it," he mumbled in a lower voice.

"It's decided then," Tzuyu clasps her hands together as you were still comprehending what the raven-haired boy just said, "Jimin will drop you off. Bye."

And before you knew it, Tzuyu was gone as quickly as she had arrived. Silence had made itself home between you and the boy as you both look down, avoiding eye contact.

He cleared his throat, grabbing your attention, "Do you want to go now?"

You nod slowly. Jimin went in front of you, his back facing you.


You didn't question it, and hopped on to his back, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands held you up by putting them under your knees. You let out a shaky breath at the contact as you felt your body warm up.

What is this boy doing?

. . .


A/N: Well hello, my beautiful bright stars.

I'm trying to make these chapters longer, and now I'm thinking that maybe I'll just shift a few things with this original book, and I wouldn't have the need to release the edited version of it.

I'mma try my best to edit all of these chapters as soon as possible, but it may take a while as I usually procrastinate for a long time once I wake up lmao.

But I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm out!

- Nabi

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