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"(y/n)!!" A door slammed from down stairs. You quickly sat up, eyes wide with fear. You knew who it was...


"C-coming." You squeaked out and slipped out of your bed. You threw on a gray t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, not bothering with shoes. Jumping down the stairs two steps at a time, you were met by a familiar pair of cold, steely eyes.

"There you are." He grunted and grabbed your wrist roughly, "When I say come, you will COME."

You winced, "I-I'm sorry, Eric!! I overslept a-and-"

He growled and shoved you aside, heading for the kitchen. You bit your lip and looked him over. Eric was a couple years older than you, and was much bigger in stature. He stood over the 6'0 mark, while you were barely brushing his chest. His dark green eyes were highlighted by his slick black hair, but they still seemed to pierce through your soul.

"No excuses." He growled. "Next time, be sure to get up!" He grabbed his grey wool overcoat and headed for the door, his black dress shoes clicking against the hardwood floors. "You will join my family for dinner tonight, so be sure to wear something decent for once!"

And with that, the monster left. As soon as the door closed, you crumpled to the ground and leaned against a wall, letting a set of tears fall. He was getting worse with each passing day, yet there was nothing you could do about it...Your family owned his hundreds of thousands of dollars -something that could never be paid back. So, in exchange for debt cancellation, they offered their most treasured item: you. At first, Eric's family questioned the idea, but when he laid eyes on you, your terrible fate was sealed.

You leaned against the wall and took several shaky breaths, gaining your composure once again. There seemed no way out of this terrible prison, and it would only get worse once the two of you were married...there would be no reason for him to hold back his anger....

~That evening~

"(Y/N), LET'S GO!!"

You jumped slightly, your hands trembling as you struggled to put on a simple diamond necklace. You had on diamond stud earrings –a 'gift' from your future inlaws- to match. Your (h/c) hair was pulled into a neat bun, while your knee length black dress had been ironed relentlessly by you to try and get rid of any unsightly wrinkles. (You can pick whichever one you like best in the photo, or just imagine something else :D)
You carefully applied a dark red lipstick and touched up your black winged eyeliner. The last time you met with Eric's parents, his mother said that you looked like a dog due to your lack of makeup. Eric, of course, agreed, and told you that he never wanted to go out with you unless you were wearing it. Humiliated, you swore to never been seen without it again. If you wanted a smooth transition into your new life, tonight needed to be perfect. Slipping on your black heels, you glanced in the mirror for one last look and hoped that you looked presentable enough.

Eric glared at you as you quickly trotted down the stairs.

"You look like you're going to a funeral."

You glanced down at your black dress, "I-I didn't want to wear something flashy like last time..."

He scanned you over and grunted, "...It'll do. Next time, however, let me help you pick out the dress."

"Says the guy wearing a green tie."

Eric rolled his eyes, "You know what else is green? Money –something that you're family doesn't have. Now come on."

He grabbed your wrist as he dragged you out the door and into the icy chill of the night.

~Somewhere...further up~

A Dangerous Love - Leo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now