Chapter 2

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'Darling sister,' he said, looking down at her from his throne.

It always made Arelena feel so small and powerless compared to the monster speaking to her. She kept her head high but did not dare to stare him in the eye as the entourage of sharks around her disbanded. Looking a beast such as he in the eye was suicide. Tristien always took the smallest gestures as major signs of disrespect and the fact that she was his sister didn't change that. The only thing he expected her to do differently to the rest of the Mer was give him her undying loyalty because of the blood they shared.

Although he did not expect unconditional loyalty from all the Mer, he did expect them to follow him. They were allowed to have different opinions to him but if he disliked their perspectives, the merman or mermaid would likely be killed.

She could see that beast within him now as he stretched out on his throne. His dark hair framed his face while his sapphire eyes bore down on her. Straightening up on his throne, Tristien smiled. It was not a kind smile, no, he was incapable of kindness. This was a smile of cruelty and malice, revealing his true wickedness and sending fear shooting through her.

'How are you?' He asked. 'Enjoying your freedom?'

A feeling of dread settled in her stomach. These questions were merely leading up to whatever terrible thing he would do to her next. The really question was, what would he do to her this time? He mentioned her freedom so perhaps he was going to take that from her. But he couldn't, she couldn't let him take the one thing she had left. Her freedom.

'What do you want, brother,' she whispered, almost too afraid to hear the answer.

At this his smile widened, growing more twisted. 'I'm so glad you asked, darling Arelena,' he told her. 'You see, I'm a little concerned with how easy it is for you to slip away. I'm beginning to think I have allowed you too much freedom to do as you please. Perhaps I should keep you closer to me.'

Her eyes widened in horror. It was as if four years worth of nightmares were coming true. Losing her freedom meant that she was losing everything she cared for. She had lost her parents, her brother and everything and everyone else she held dear. Now, she would have nothing if he took this from her.

'Don't look so worried, darling sister,' his words disgusted her. How could he call her darling sister when all he did was torture her? 'Don't you love me?'

Don't you love me?

How could he ask such a question? She hated him with every part of her being and he knew it. And yet he forced her to pretend otherwise, for it did not matter as long as she appeared to follow him in front of the Mer. Although they both knew how much she detested him, Arelena could never say it aloud. If she were to, he might be ordering her execution next.

'Of course, brother,' she forced herself to say with a smile on her lips despite all the thoughts running through her head.

Tristien narrowed his eyes at her for a moment before continuing. 'From now on, you will shadow me. It will do you some good to learn how exactly I run our kingdom.'

She bowed her head in submission for there was nothing she could do. Her brother had made his choice and there was no changing his mind now. 'Yes, brother,' she replied, pale shoulders slumping in defeat. Glancing at the walls, she imagined them as prison bars. If he were to make her stay here with him then that is what these walls would become. Her prison cell.

'I do hope that this adjustment suits you, darling sister,' again with that name and the way he said it, like there was room for discussion but she was wise enough to know that there was not. It seemed that Tristien dictated every aspect of her life.

Head still bowed, she nodded. 'Of course not, brother,' she murmured.

'What was that?'

'Of course not, dear brother,' she said louder and clearer this time. How she wished to add a spiteful comment on the end of it but that would be a death sentence and Arelena did not have a death wish.

'I'm glad,' he told her before tilting his head to the side and studying her. 'But you will need to... take more care with your appearance from now on. I have assigned you a servant to take care of that. She should be waiting in your room upon your return.'

A servant? Did he not trust her to take care of herself? He must not if he was giving her a servant as if taking her freedom wasn't enough. He was taking her independence too. She began to feel like she was breaking apart, losing herself piece by piece. He was destroying her, shattering her soul to tiny shards like he would the sea glass windows of the palace whenever he got a temper.

'Yes, brother,' Arelena said, beginning to turn away from him.


She stopped and slowly turned back around. Resting his trident against the wall, he rose from his throne and swam towards her, each stroke of his tail bringing him closer. Fear began to rise within her, replacing the silent anger. It froze her in place, chilling her to the bone. If she wasn't so paralysed, she would be quivering. But the only movement she could make was the gentle swinging of her tail.

'Don't forget your manners,' he reminded in a low tone, his face mere centimetres from her own.

'Thank you,' she whispered with the slightest tremble in her voice as she struggled to breathe with him so close. She felt more afraid to be close to him than she had ever before.

Tristien backed away, smiling wickedly. 'Good,' he seated himself back on his throne, taking his trident in hand once more. 'I shall see you tomorrow, darling sister.'

Somehow, Arelena found the courage to move when he dismissed her. She spun around and swam from the room, trying not to appear in a hurry to escape his presence. As soon as she had turned the first corner she stopped, sighing with relief. It was over for today but tomorrow, her real torture would begin. How would she manage to survive?

Tomorrow, she would witness what horrors her brother did to their people first-hand. Tomorrow, she would be forced to become a monster, just as he was. Perhaps afterwards the Mer would hate her as they did their King. They knew that she drowned humans for her brother but they also knew that she was forced to. They also knew that she had to watch on as he killed Mer. Although they understood that she had no power over him, they still wanted her to do something. Now that she would be forced to shadow her brother, they would expect her to do more, to try harder. But when the Mer realises that there was nothing she could do, they would turn their backs on her and call her a monster too.

Upon reaching her living quarters, she swam through the doorway and into a decorated room. There was plenty of golden coral and shells throughout the room, turning it into something beautiful. Tristien liked to make every part of his palace beautiful as if to his the ugliness of his soul. She waded deeper in to the room and found a smaller, dark haired mermaid waiting in the corner of her bedroom.

The mermaid was fidgeting but froze when Arelena entered the room. Her sea green eyes looked up in terror and she bowed low. So low that she almost hit herself in the face with her dull, purple tail. Once she had risen, the smaller mermaid spoke. 'Your Highness,' she addressed her in a shaky, high pitched voice. 'I am Marla, King Tristien has appointed me as your loyal servant.'

She could tell that the little mermaid was as afraid of her as she was of her brother but she wanted her to be at ease. The Mer may see her as a monster like he was but she refused to be one no matter what anyone said. So she tried to calm Marla as best as she could.

'Please, Marla,' she began. 'Don't be afraid of me.'

Marla nodded and ceased trembling, obviously growing a little more comfortable. But deep down, she knew that nothing she could say would make the other mermaid fear her any less. She had hoped that Tristien would at least give her someone less... fearful. Arelena had always hated being surrounded by those who trembled at the sight of her like this mermaid. It made her feel as wicked as her brother, the one Mer she hated more than anyone or anything. It made her feel like a monster.

What do you think of the characters so far? Hate them or love them? And is Tristien evil or what? Vote and comment if you liked this chapter :)

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