Crazy Series 2 : A Crazy Wedding

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"Have you two gone crazy?" RK furiously asks his parents.

"Rishu... please understand. Your life is in danger." Radha says with tears in her eyes.

"I don't believe in this kundali crap." RK replies.

"But we do." Radha tells him sternly.

"Dad? I am just 21! I can't get married. I've to finish my studies. I've to start working. Prove myself. Then only I can marry."

"Your wife will support you in all that. She'll be your biggest strength to achieve all that. She will be your inspiration." Radha tells him.

"Rishu, you need to get married soon. The only way to remove the dosh in your kundali is by getting married." Mohan explains to him.

"What kind of nonsense is that, Dad? How can some Pundit decide that I'll die at the age of 22?" RK furiously asks him. "For all you know, he could be a fraud or he might have been drunk, and it could be that if I marry by the age of 22 then I'll die."

"You are our only son, Rishu. We can't take chances. Please understand." Mohan pleads.

"Madhubala is akhand saubhagyavadhi."

"What the hell is that?" RK asks getting side tracked.

"It means that she will always be a suhagan."

"What if she dies at the age of 21?" RK asks shocked at their stupidity.

"Please Rishu, if something happens to you then we'll die." Radha tells him.

"Don't talk like that." RK says furiously.

"It is hurting you right? Then imagine how much it hurts us?" Radha asks him.

RK looks at his parents helplessly as they looked at him with pleading eyes, then he says "Fine! I will get married but I am not happy about this."

"We matched your horoscopes, you both are very compatible." Radha says smiling.

"Yeah! We will see about that." RK says irritated.

RK sat in the hotel room as he smoked fuming at the injustice done to him. He had thought of talking to Madhubala when they meet and ask her to back out of this marriage but his cunning parents hadn't let them talk privately even for a second and now he was in his shervani, ready for his wedding. He sighs furiously, God! I am just 21. How can I marry? Why did they make the legal marriageable age 21 instead of some 29? Who made that law? He better not come in front me else he will know who Rishabh Kundra is. Oh god! Please I don't want to get married. I am too young to marry. I want to enjoy my life. Please? Run away. WHAT? Who said that? Run away, that is your only option. RK didn't care who gave him that idea from inside his head, he was going to follow that.

He checks the time, one more hour for the wedding before someone come looking for him to go to the wedding venue down, (he had explicitly told everyone not to disturb him till then) and he had to leave. Grabbing his car keys, overnight bag and wallet he runs out of his room. RK sneaks out through the fire escape. Freedom! RK felt a smile break out of his lips as his legs hit the ground. He was a freeman or he'll be if he manages to get to his car undetected. RK looks around wondering which part of the hotel he was in. Finally, figuring out that he was on the west side of the hotel near the car park he was about to run to his car when he hears a thud. He turns back to see a bag on the ground. He curiously looks up and his eyes widens in shock seeing a girl in bridal attire climbing down. Not any girl, his bride!

Madhu jumps down the fire escape and looks to her sides to see if anyone saw her escape. Heaving a sigh of relief she turns around grabbing her bag from the floor and stands up to bolt when she stops in shock seeing her bridegroom standing there gaping at her.

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