Crazy Series 4 : A Crazy Realization

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Hello everyone, I am sorry for not writing anything for a long time. I have been held up with a lot of personal issues. Will try to update beast by this week. Here is the fourth part to the Crazy Series, it is not as funny or as nice as the previous parts.


A Crazy Realization 

Mohan wakes up hearing his mobile ringing. Seeing an unknown number he picks up the phone slightly worried. "Hello?" 

"Dad." RK says from the other end. 

"Rishu? What happened? Where are you?" Mohan asks him. 

"We got arrested, Dad." 

"Arrested?" Mohan asks shocked as he sat up looking at the time, it was way past 1:30. "You and Madhu went for a friend's birthday party right?" 

"Yes. They arrested for public nuisances. The neighbors complained about the loud music. The cops are saying that only if our parents or guardians come they will let us go." RK explains. 

"Which police station are you in? And Madhu is with you right?" Mohan asks as he stood up to get ready. 

"Yes. It is code red." RK whispers. 

"Oh God!" Mohan groans. "Did she call Malik?" 

"Scared." RK whispers so no one hears him. "You have to do it." 

"What? NO!" Mohan shouts. 

"Please Dad."  

"Please Rishu, I am scared of him, he'll shout at me." Mohan pleads him. 

"She looks really scared." RK whispers to him. 

Mohan sighs loudly and says, "Fine." 

"Thanks Dad. Love you." 

"Love you. Tell Madhu not to worry." 

"It is code red, Dad!" RK reminds irately. 

"Yeah... okay... okay. I'll come soon and will call Malik also." Mohan tells him and hangs up. 

RK keeps the phone and turns around to look at Madhu who was sitting with Trishna in a corner. Madhu was looking pale and scared. It was her first time in a police station. Madhu looks at RK worried and he gently nods his head. Madhu relaxes visibly though she was still scared. More than being arrested she was scared of what her father would say. RK walks towards Sultan and sits next to him. 

"Next." A police constable says loudly.  

"I'll call my uncle." Sultan tells RK and walks towards the phone. 

When it was Madhu's turn to call her parents, Madhu calls Mohan instead. 

"Hello?" Mohan answers the call. 


"Madhu? I am on my way. I've called Malik also, he is on his way." 

"Is he mad?" 

"A little." Mohan replies. 

"Oh." Madhu whispers getting scared. 

"Don't worry, Madhu. I'll see you soon." 

"Okay." Madhu says and hangs up. Madhu looks at RK and sees him watching her. Then turning, she quickly hurries to where she was sitting. 

"Going for parties on a week night?" Malik furiously screams as he paced the living room of Kundra Mansion. 

Madhu grips RK's hand scared as she watched her father's furious ranting. 

"Getting arrested? No one in our family has ever been arrested!" Malik screams. 

Rishabala : Four Shots : Crazy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now