In the beginning.

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Again, this is a free verse with just ramblings...

In the beginning there was nothing.
There was no Earth, no humans.

Then, in a show of godly might,
Or the transfer of matter, Of which I cannot tell the true cause;
Earth was born.

Earth then gave way to life itself,
And held it dearly like a mother
Who embraces a newborn child.

Animals of various sizes, colors,
Textures, sex, and species were made.
Wandering the realm of the place they
Were bound to; Earth.

Humans came next, with either the first days, or through evolution; the same reasoning as before, I cannot decide for you the true reason for our existence.

Over time, we, us, ourselves, you, and I were created. With the first breath we took, our purpose was set out by our first glimpse of reality.

Or maybe it was never planned, a glitch that forced us to be alive; for when we are born we don't breath by default. Then again, the world is what binds us.

I myself have walked this planet for a few short years, and others have walked longer than I. Only I can give my own word of what Earth gives to me.

In the first years of existence, of myself of course, I had been molded by all of those around me. Learning their way of speech, how they are, and not declaring independence until later, but I'm jumping ahead.

In the next series I had started to walk, making my way farther from the arms of my so called parents that loved me so.

Every step away made them grieve for my life. I became trapped behind the confines of bars, the bars of a crib. Next came the door handles. Baby proofed of course as curiosity is our first instinct.

Over the years we are placed into unspecified war zones. Parents speak words, and when we repeat them they scold us. They show anger, and tell us to only be caring.

They lie to protect our only thing they wish they still had; the innocence of a youngster. They unknowingly took it away by placing them in the way of the way they acted.

Then, came competition; where only the best grades would guarantee success. Where only the most athletic would play.

They unknowingly dislodged the very thing they strive to keep in us: the sportsmanship, empathy, love, respect, and most importantly; free of sin.

How can someone be so blind in the own way to save what they lost in the same process? How they put us down with scolding when we do something bad for the first time.

Afterwards, they explain why it is bad. They explain AFTER we have already lost innocence. They think of the problem only after it has occurred.

Now that is as far as I have gotten in life, but many more may have thoughts about this, this seemingly unpoetic poem, but only the poets can create poetry from one simple thought, or idea.

Now what will you choose? Will you take the blindfold off? Or will you remain in the darkness, only trying to save innocence after it's been lost?

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