in an instant the world i'd ever known changed

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I had just finished rehearsals when I received a text from my mother saying she wanted me to drop by at her work. I'd only been there a couple times but I knew the way. I got changed and put my tutu and dance clothes in my bag. Auditions for the New York city Ballet company were so soon. I've been wanting this since I was three and its in a few months. I was terrified but also extremely exited. I arrive at my mother's work and go to reception to ask of the whereabouts  of her office only to find nobody is behind the front desk. Wow. A new person started work here only a few days ago so they have my mothers old office which means my mother got a new one which she never bothered to tell me which one. Ugh. Now I have to search this huge building for her office.  Suddenly I felt something so strange. Like a magnetic pull, pulling me towards the elevator. I was getting a little bit scared but curiosity took over my every thought. I got inside the elevator and let the doors close. I looked at all the buttons and numbers, wondering which one to press. The magnetic pull started again. I pressed floor 32. It's what was wanted by the strange pull. I felt so nervous for some reason. It was only my mom I was seeing. The light ding interrupted my thoughts letting me know that I was now on the floor I needed to be. I stepped out and was faced with a maze of corridors. The magnetic pull guided me to the one on the right. As I turned the corner I could see a figure sitting on a white leather couch. Maybe they could help me. I walked up to the person which was actually a boy, no actually more of a man. I was being slightly abused by the pull. What was going on with me? It was pushing me towards the couch. Maybe I just needed to sit down. I stopped when I reached the guy. He looked pretty gloomy. I was going to turn around before he noticed I was standing over him but I couldn't move. It was like the magnetic pull had pushed me to him and now won't let me go. I'm frozen and I don't know what to do until I hear myself speak. " excuse me, uhm do you happen to know where Mrs faye's office is? My mom recently changed offices and I can't seem to find it"
"Ask reception" The boy said. He didn't even look up at me. I should leave. But I can't.
"Well that's the first place I tried. Nobody's there. How professional." I said. Laughing at the end. I'm not sure why I'm laughing. Maybe because I'm terrified. Some magnetic pull leads me to this boy and he doesn't even look at me. But then he does. His gorgeous brown eyes pierce deep into mine. And in that moment I knew we were soulmates. That's why I was being pulled towards him. I was literally drawn to this gorgeous boy sitting in front of me. It was an invisible force. I couldn't stay away from him. I couldn't move. His stare would not allow me to leave him. I would forget everything and everyone I know in this life and follow him to the ends if the earth. I felt it. I knew that he was my gift from the universe. It wanted us to be together. It brought us together for a reason. I could feel it in the air, in my while entire being that we were meant to be together. I felt The connection instantly. And I know he did to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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