
553 31 5

Age 22

Ashton had came home after he heard about Luke. He and Calum went back home and spent the day together just having a cute little date at a bakery.

Luke and Andy had gone back home and they had made up for the millionth time.

And Michael was at his house still figuring out what happened with Kennedy. Qwyn had gone shopping for the day.

The whole day was going well until Qwyn ran into Calum and Ashton's small home with tears streaming down her face. She immediately ran towards the closest boy, who happened to be Ashton and cried into his chest.

"Qwyn?" Ashton asks, utterly confused on what was happening.

"M-Michael! H-h-he w-was
k-kissing Her!" She cried, and she may seem tough on the outside and she could handle most anything but, seeing the one she loved most kissing another person absolutely broke her.

"Who?" Ashton asks.


"What! What's he doing even being around a girl like her! I know she was in the accident with Luke but why is he with her still?" Ashton says absolutely fuming, thinking that Michael had cheated at all, but especially with her.

"They were still working on figuring out what exactly happen-" Qwyn was cut off as her husband came through the door.

"Qwyn!" He yells rushing over to her.

"Get away from me." She cries hiding further into Ashton's chest as Calum sat next to the two.

"Qwyn I swear I didn't kiss her!" Michael begs.

"Well I saw your lips on hers, I'm pretty sure that's kissing her."

"Yes but, she kissed me! I pulled away!" Michael explains. "I kicked her out and told her to stay away from all of us and then I came after you." He continues.

"Promise?" She asks slowly looking over to Michael, who also had tears in his eyes as he thought about loosing her.

"I promise. I would never do that, I love you." He smiles as she slowly walks over and let's the boy wrap his arms around her.

"I love you to Mikey." She smiles.

She apologizes to Ashton for interrupting on their little day together and they leave.


It was after one in the morning when Calum woke up to their doorbell ringing. Calum was terrified.

"A-Ashy, wake up. Someone's at the door." Calum whispered as he grabbed a bat.

If someone was at their door in the middle of the night it wasn't gonna be good and if their was someone he was going to defend himself.

He slipped the bat over his shoulder and slipped over by Ashton leaning above him and shaking him.

Ashton turned over and let out a high pitched scream as he saw Calum leaning over him with a bat.

"There's someone at the door." Calum began to panic as his breaths got faster.

Go in the living room and I'll see who it is. Ok?" Ashton smiles as the two walk out of their bedroom.

Calum sat on the couch, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"Umm, Cally, you might wanna come see this." Ashton peeks his head into the living room with a worried look on his face.

Calum came slowly behind him and gasped when seeing what was at the door.

"Oh. My. God."


Sorryyy for the wait!

Cliffhanger again! Any guess at what's at the door?

Thanks for reading bye!


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