Baby Shower

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"Well if it isn't Serena Van der Woodsen." Chuck was lounging on the sofa in his robe, with Blair sleeping next to him.
" Hey Chuck," Serena said over the phone. " I'm calling because I am planning a baby shower for Blair. Um is she around?"
"She's sleeping."
"Ok i just wanted to know, do you think it should be a surprise?"
" It should be somewhat of a surprise."
" Keep the actual plans a secret but she would want to know the basics."
"Got it. I have to go."
Next to him Blair stirred. " Did I fall to sleep?" She asked groggily, squinting at the tv.
"Yes. Don't worry you only missed Loralei and Luke waltzing."
"Dammit," Blair yawned, "Come. Cuddle."
Chuck scooted over and wrapped his arms around her. Blair leaned her head on his chest.
"So," Chuck rested his hand on Blair's bump, " How do you feel about baby showers?"
Blair smiled at him, " Do you know something I don't?"
"Well I want all my friends and family to be there. Even the guys."
"Noted. Do we have a registry?"
"No not yet."
"Ok then that is next on the to-do list."
"Do we need all of this?" Blair looked cryptically at the laptop screen. " What is this for?"
"Yes. I read some blogs." Chuck said.
"We're planning on breastfeeding right?"
"I think so?"
Chuck sighed, " We don't know what we're doing."
"No we don't."
Blair put her head on his shoulder. " Who knew having a baby came with so many decisions! We need to decide the birth plan and if we want to give our kid pacifiers or not."
"We need to bring in an expert."
Dorota sat down at the table across from Blair and Chuck. " Ah let us see, once Mr. Baby Bass is born will he have a nanny?"
Chuck and Blair looked at each other.
"No" Blair said.
" Blair we both work."
" Yes I know but you and I both were practically raised by nannies. I am not letting that happen to our son."
" Blair I promise that won't happen but we will need the help."
"Next question please."
Bringing Dorota in did little to help the couple come to any clear decisions so Chuck signed them up for a class which was incredibly awkward but helped some. They spent the next week learning all they could about everything surrounding their baby.
Blair groaned, " I think it's safe to say, we know far to much about the placenta and how I can consume it after it extracts itself from my vagina! Also childbirth is disgusting and I would like not to remember it." Blair fell back on to their bed.
Chuck slipped off his shoes, " At least now we know." He propped himself up on his elbow next to Blair, " Hey, everything is going to be just fine." He gave her a kiss.
    Serena had assigned Chuck with the task of stalling Blair so they could set up the baby shower. Blair had almost no clue because they gave her the wrong date.
" Chuck we finished our breakfast almost an hour ago."
They were sitting in a cafe waiting for Serena to text Chuck. " We should go shopping."
Blair and Chuck strolled through a dress shop, their arms linked.
"Nothing fits me anymore," Blair complained.
Chuck did not answer because he got a text alert. It was from Serena.
" Why don't we head back home?" He asked Blair.
" Good my feet hurt."
" I told you to wear flats."
"Shut up."
"Surprise!!!" Everyone shouted when they walked into the penthouse. Blair squeezed Chuck's arm with a huge smile on her face. Serena ran up to them and embraced them.
"Welcome to your baby shower!"
The place was decorated beautifully. Exactly how Blair wanted it. Food was laid out and games were set up. Everyone was there.
"Guys!" Serena said, " Come sit in the living room." Everyone obliged.
"Ok we are going to play a little guessing game. We are guessing baby names. Whoever is correct once the baby is born will have won a prize. Mom you can start." Serena said gesturing to Lily.
"Oh! Um Charles."
"Charles." Serena repeated writing it down.
The next few people went.
" Roman"
And then it was Serena's turn. She looked at Chuck and Blair unsure on what her friends would name their baby.
"Henry." She said recalling the name Chuck went by when he was hiding in Paris.
The sun was setting on the Manhattan skyline. Serena was directing the caterers as they cleaned up the food. Blair went up to her and gave her a awkward hug. Her bump was getting in the way. " Thank you S," She said kissing Serena's cheeks, " It was perfect."
" Anything for my best friend."

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