Just a small filler because writers block sucks
Ruthie's POV
When we got home, we decided to order the pizza and it arrived like twenty minutes later. After eating it, we watched one movie and agreed on going to bed because we knew getting up at six for school would be hell. Plus sleeping is nice. Once we both got in bed, we turned the bedside lamp off and fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up and it was light outside. I wondered why my alarm clock hadn't gone off and I realized that I forgot to turn it back on after yesterday. It was around 10am so I woke Nikki up after making her some breakfast. We started getting dressed and doing our hair. Soon we grabbed the keys and were out the door on our way to school. So what if we were late? At least we showed up at all. The teachers and principal know not to call our parents about us being absent because our parents aren't going to do a damn thing.
I arrived at about 11:30 and it was soon to be lunch, but Nikki said she had to go somewhere quickly. After promising she'd be back for lunch, she left in the direction of town. Having nothing better to do since she wasn't here, I went to my class. All eyes were on me since I was late and I walked slowly to my seat. The teacher asked where my excuse was but I ignored them. I fell asleep with my head on my desk while the teacher blabbed about some historical nonsense. China, wall, trump.. Blah blah blah.... When the bell rang signaling class to be over, I left and went straight to my locker. All I needed to do was put my book in there and head for lunch to see the love of my life. As I started putting my combination into my locker, flowers appeared in my face. My favorite flowers, being held by Nikki. They were white and purple, and by far the prettiest I've ever seen. I turned to her, threw my arms around her neck, and kissed her. She made fairytales seem stupid. She topped every single one of them. I tooled the flowers and gently placed them in my locker to take home later today. I closed my locker and grabbed her hand before going in the direction of the cafeteria. We are lunch like any other day and went to our next class early. Once we got there she sat at the desk informs of me while we talked. After the bell rang and all the other teenagers scrambled into the crowded room, she turned around. She leaned her head back to be laying in my desk and I reached forward to kiss her. It was slow and sweet until the teacher interrupted by clearing their throat.

//School Fuckers\\
RomanceNikki and Ruthie met in elementary school. They grew up together with a group of friends and their relationship turned into something else. After finding out their sexualities, they couldn't resist each other. In eighth grade, they became a "thing"...