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I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I curiously got out of bed and fixed my hair slightly before walking into the kitchen. I saw Potter was drinking a cup of coffee and flipping bacon that was sizzling away on the stove.

"You cook?" I asked. He jumped and turned around before nodding.

"Want any?"


I heard a knock at the door and went to open it to see McGonagall standing there.

"Ah Mister Malfoy. Good morning. I came to drop off the schedules for you and Mister Potter. I also came by to pick up the marriage documents."


I lead her inside and picked up the envelope before she handed me another one.

"I hope you two have a very good day and I wonder if you will help any new first years?"

"I'll try with the Slytherins."

"Very well. Good day Mister..." her eyes lit up at the papers in her hand. "I hope you have a good first day back Mister Potter-Malfoy."

"Minerva, please don't," Harry spoke from the kitchen.

Wait. Since when did I call him Harry?

(Me: Since I said so bitch.)

Who just said that? I'm going nuts. Wait a minute.

"Did you just call her Minerva?"

"Ah yes. You're looking at the new DADA teacher for the year," he replied before putting two plates on the table.

"I would love to stay and chat but I have many other couples to visit before the first years arrive. Good day!" She left and I trained to Harry.

"You're going to be DADA professor?"

"Yeah," he replied as he sighed and ran a hand over his face. "The original professor fell ill and they didn't have anybody to teach last minute. Because I taught the army in fifth year, they wanted me to teach this year."

"Are you still going to be taking normal classes?"

"Yeah. I need to finish my year."

"Won't that be extra stressful when you're pregnant?"

"Who said I'd be the pregnant one?"

"Well I sure as hell am not going to be the woman in this relationship. I stated that last night. Besides, you already do the cooking." I sent him a smirk and he used a spatula to hit my shoulder.

"Take that bitch." He said before taking a bite of his eggs.

I smirked before eating some myself. They were actually really good. A little singed but still really good.

"First years won't be here until after lunch. What do you have planned," he asked.

"Probably go fetch Blaise and Pansy and see how they're doing. I assume you'll be doing the same with the Weasel and Granger?"

"Yeah. And pleas refrain from calling Ron a Weasel. His family is the only one I've actually had."

"Really? What about those muggle relatives you used to live with?" He Rose an eyebrow at my knowledge of that and I shrugged. "I overhear things. Answer the question."

"They were never family. I don't want to talk about it." He finished his meal and took his plate to the sink where he used a quick spell to wash it and put it on the drying rack before leaving.

I did the same and walked next door to Blaise's room. I knocked on the door and saw a familiar redhead answer.

"What do you want," Weasley asked.

"I came for your husband. Where is he?"

"Please don't call him that. And he's passed out drunk in the bedroom."

"I see. So he was hitting the Grappa lasts night, eh?"

"I suppose. I don't really know what he got. I didn't care to look."

I walked inside and saw the bottles stored in the corner. I walked over and read them aloud.

"Grappa, Gin, Wine, and Campari? Wow. Blaise must really want to get drunk."

"How's that?"

"Because Campari is pretty strong. At least he didn't get Aperol."


"Aperol replaces Campari for a stronger taste. And usually a stronger taste can mean a stronger kick. For Blaise, never let him get too drunk. He gets either really mad or really horny. Sometimes both. I'd watch myself if I were you Weasley."

"Thanks for the advice Malfoy. And I have a question. What's Grappa?"

"You're married to an Italian. You must learn these things. Grappa is an alcoholic drink made from fermented peels, seeds, and stems of grapes. It has a high alcoholic percentage and is as transparent as water. If he ever drinks too much, make sure it isn't the Grappa. Or you're probably gonna be screwed."


"By the way, Harry said he might be coming after you and Granger today. Come help me wake up Blaise while you wait."

"Wake him?"

"I'm gonna teach you how to do it. Now hurry up before I change my mind."

He followed me into the bedroom and I showed him that to wake Blaise you need to give him some painkilling medicine for his hangover and hep him stand to focus his vision right. Or else he will fall in the floor.

I then proceeded to take Blaise with me to collect Pansy and we left for the courtyard. That's when it hit me.

I was nice to Weasley and called Harry by his first name out loud.

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