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Well that's just great. McGonagall just told me that Voldemort cursed the wizarding world before he died. He's still causing me problems as a dead man. Once was bad enough.

So me and the rest of my year mates are sitting in the Great Hall (or what's been rebuilt) the day before students are supposed to arrive. I was talking with Hermione and Ron when McGonagall stood and started to speak.

"You all may be wondering why you're here today. Voldemort put a curse on the Wizarding World shortly before his death and we cannot find a way to fix it so soon," she spoke. "The curse was one that has not been used for a few centuries and the reversal spell was lost years ago.

"The curse is called Matrimonium et Infans, which in Latin translates to marriage and baby. It means that you must be sorted into pairs and within a year you must marry and produce a child if you are to continue living."

Those words caused a stir among all of us before McGonagall received or attention once again. She brought out a orb of some sort that almost resembled the Goblet of Fire.

"This Orb before you is spelled just like the Goblet of Fire from your fourth year here at Hogwarts. It is also spelled like the Sorting Hat and is not wrong. It will provide two names and whoever it pairs together, will be married today and have one year to produce a child. Of you are a couple of the same sex and not able to naturally produce a child, you shall be given the necessary ingredients for a potion that will help you in creating a child.

"First from the orb we have..." She caught two pieces of paper from the orb and read them aloud. "Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom."

The two turned towards each other and blushed heavily before looking away once again. McGonagall started to continue once more.

"Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnegan. Ronald Weasley and Blaise Zabini. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter."

I tuned out the rest after that. Malfoy and I were expected to be married and produce a child!? I was supposed to marry the same person who has been trying to ruin my life ever since first year!? Looks like I'm dying after the year.


Looks like I'm dying after the year is up. There is no way Potter will want to marry me and have my child. That orb is never wrong, huh McGonagall? I highly doubt that. And Pansy and Blaise being with the Mudblood and Weasel?

Who the hell decided this stuff!? Some kind of magical force outside of this universe?

(Me: Pretty much. Hi.)

"Did you just hear something," I asked Blaise.

"Just McGonagall pairing me with a Weasel. Now shut up," he said angrily. I left him alone after that. You never mess with an angry Italian.

"Now that everyone has been paired. Follow me and I shall lead you to your rooms. Your last names have already been printed on the doors as we speak so once we find your rooms, fill out the paperwork inside and get to know each other."

I stood with everyone else and we made our way towards one of the newly finished corridors. I saw all sorts of doors along the walls with plaques on them.

"Granger- Parkinson"

"Crabbe- Goyle"

"Wesley- Zabini"

"Abbott- Longbottom"

"Finnegan- Thomas"

"Potter- Malfoy"

My eyes stopped on the door before me. I sighed before going inside and soon heard another set of footsteps follow me. I looked around the place and saw different shades of red and green. There was a bathroom, kitchen, living space, and a bedroom.

But it only had one bed.

The door shut behind us and I heard footsteps walk towards the bedroom

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The door shut behind us and I heard footsteps walk towards the bedroom. I saw Potter look at his trunk and owl before he used a quick leviosa charm and moved it to the living space.

"What are you doing Potter," I asked.

"Moving my stuff into the living room. I figure you want the bed all to yourself and me being here is just a bother but I'll try to stay out of the way. I found the paperwork of you want to look through it as well?"

"Sure." I joined him on the couch while putting some space between us before using a charm where the paper would read itself in the senders voice.

"Dear Messrs Potter and Malfoy," McGonagall's voice spoke, "In this envelope you shall find the necessary papers needed to officialize your marriage."

I looked over at Potter and saw a frown on his face along with a physical cringe. Just great.

"The papers will need both of your signatures and will be needed to be turned into my office tomorrow morning before the new students arrive. I have also provided the spell needed for the two of your to reproduce, seeing as both of you are male. Enjoy your lives together for as long as they may be."

I saw the paper drop and two more slide from under it. I picked them up and saw the spell and marriage document before me.

"Let's just get this over and done with," Potter sighed. "I don't want to have to wait last minute before marrying someone such as yourself."

Okay. That hurt.

"You think I want to marry you either? Please Potter. I've seen goblins with more manners than you."

What am I doing?

"Just sign the bloody papers and go unpack Malfoy. I'm going for a walk." He signed the papers and left the room quickly with his owl cage in hand. He must be heading to the tower.

I looked at the papers and saw that he left the last name change blank. If he expects me to take the last name Potter than e is gladly mistaken.

I smirked and signed the last name change to Malfoy but soon felt like it was wrong. So I added Potter and a hyphen before it. I held up the paper and read over it once more.

I sighed before picking up the other paper with the spell. It might be a while before we're ready to use this one.

I put the paper in a different folder and placed it in the drawer of the table next to the bed before I started unpacking. This is going to be a long road ahead.

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