Chapter One- Meeting the Clan

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Soft, warm fur surrounded him and Firestar questioned what had happened the night before. Then he recalled it. His choice. Silver fur hit his eyes and he blinked a few times before giving a sniff.

                       ''Icebreak! Firekit opened his eyes!'' A soft voice echoed in his ears. Firestar listened and peered around at a slender silver she cat laying around him. Icebreak. Is this my 'mother'? Wait! Why am I a kit?! He scrambled in the nest, tearing himself to his paws, wobbling. A dark nose pushed him up.

                    ''Steady, Firekit. I think you can wait a minute before running around.'' He heard another she cat's voice and realized it was his 'mother's'. Glancing around, he saw that he was in the nursery, toward the back. In another nest sat a blue she-kit and Firestar recognized it as Bluestar. The brambles around the entrance shook and an orange she cat slipped into the den carrying a mouse. He scented the air around the nest he was in as a familiar smell hit his nose. Then his eyes widened in shock. No! It couldn't be!! Tigerstar!! 

                  Bluestar's pale fur flashed by his muzzle and he pulled himself out of the nest after her. Suddenly, brown tabby fur was in front of him and Firestar thought it was Tigerstar for a second until the tom hissed,

               ''Firestar! It's me! Bramblestar. We have to talk. Bluestar's already waiting to go outside.'' The tabby tom slipped to his side and looked up. '' Icebreak, can Bluekit and I take Firekit through camp? Please? We'll stay out of the warriors den!'' Bramblestar asked, pleadingly. The silver she cat looked thoughtful and a bit reluctant. Firestar raised his tail and ears, looking excitedly at her as all kits he had seen do to their mother. Then, she sighed.

               ''Fine. But don't go anywhere near the warriors den or the medicine cat's den.'' She said sternly. ''Actually, I'm coming out as well. Oh! Yes, Bramblekit, show Firekit his brother.'' Firestar winced. He didn't want to be labeled as any type of kin to that traitor.  Icebreak slowly rose to her paws. Bramblestar twitched and turned, jumping over a pile of moss and a nest. Bluestar sat at the entrance, flicking her tail tip anxiously. When she saw Firestar and Bramblestar, she slipped out of the den. Bramblestar followed and Firestar went after them. Harsh sunlight covered hit eyes and Firestar stood, letting his eyes adjust for a second. After, the tom peered around. The camp seemed the same. Walls of stone and brambles covered the edges of the cliffs. ThunderClan scent filled the hollow. The tom glanced at Highledge, seeing nothing had changed, the thick moss covering the opening to the leader's den.

                  ''Firekit. Over here!'' Bluestar called, beckoning him behind the nursery. Firestar scanned the camp, watching for Tigerstar.

                  ''Looking for me, kittypet?'' A sneering voice hissed from the shadows under a clump of thorns. The brown tabby pelt and amber eyes of his Dark Forest enemy glowed in the darkness. ''Well, brother? Are you going to say something or are you as turning mute as a kittypet in fear? You'e going to be destroyed. The Dark Forest is rising and in bigger numbers than last time.'' Firestar bristled and unsheathed his claws in an act of defiance. Suddenly, blurs of blue and tabby brown stood beside him, eyes narrowed and tense.

                      ''Leave us alone. Go eat some fox-dung.'' Bramblestar growled. Tigerstar walked out of the shadows grinning. He had a sly look in his eyes, and flattened his ears. Bluestar's haunches rose, ready to attack if needed. ''I'll give you a deal.'' He spoke suddenly. Firestar was completely suspicious. His instincts told him to not trust a word from the tom's mouth, even if it said of an impending attack on the Clans themselves. And he knew it anyway.

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