Chapter Five - Twisted Dreams and Uncertain Stars

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Swirling darkness covered him. It felt as if he was in a rushing river and the torrent blazed through him. Firestar shivered deeply and struggled to open his eyes. Everything seemed normally high and the ginger tom realized he was in his regular body. Peering around, he saw little flecks of yellow and orange-gold flutter down from the blackness that seemed to be the sky. Ouch! Firestar hissed lightly as they burned him and that's when he realized they were sparks and embers. Glancing down, he saw that there was nothing under him! Leaping up, the ginger tom jerked and whirled, trying to see if there was anything he could stand on, and if he'd fall. After finding that he could stand, Firestar closed his eyes, ignoring the slight panic clutching at his gut. Where am I? Am I in Starclan...or the Dark Forest...? Opening his eyes again, he noticed everything looked lighter, and the sparks had stopped falling, but had gathered thinly as far as his eyes could see. Abruptly, silver light poured from the twighlighted sky. It outlined everything in silver. Silver clouds, silver earth, silver trees. Everything was silver. Curious, Firestar took a pawstep forward and scented, opening his jaws slightly. There was no scent. Frowning and now weary, he pressed his paw into the emberish-ash, feeling it warm and not burning. Pricking his ears sharply as he moved lightly, the tom realized there was no sound anywhere. No bird song or wind or trees or prey moving around. Instinct told him to be fearful and watching. Walking past thickly clumped ferns and tall trees that stretched and blotted out the sun, he cautiously glanced around. Then, a shriek made him jump. A noise that sounded as if something was being skinned alive. He quickly but wearily raced toward the sound. Twisting through transparent bushes and bramble clumps, the ginger tom found the source. Gray tabby fur hit his vision along with dark brown and tawny. All fur was speckled with glittering stars.

                                          ''Silver!'' A harsh voice that came from the tawny...shecat spoke. ''The kit isn't supposed to have that power! And you still gave it to him knowing the Ancients voted against it!'' The gray tabby tom crouched faintly, but still stood, tail high.

                                      ''Firestar had to have it! Using that power could stop this second war if he uses it properly, Pine!'' The tom's hackles were bristling and he rose, green eyes flashing.

''There is nothing that can stop this second war. Rock has foreseen it come to pass. Yes, Firestar may be able to use the past to manipulate now and future events, but he cannot stop the war from fully happening. It was dangerous to give him this power, Silver. What if he falls pray to the Dark Forest?'' The dark brown tom grumbled out, his sharp orange eyes gleaming. Silver glared sharply.

                                                 ''He will not!! He cannot! He is the only hope left. Last time there were four, but the other three's power has been erased from existence! They cannot help him. Not even the ones who came with him can truly help! The Dark Forest has grown far beyond anything we've ever seen! Cats from beyond even our time have heeded their call because the time of fire passed away and the Clans have grown weaker, less combined and more divided than ever!! They hardly believe in the stars anymore...And unless Firestar can stop the Dark Forest one last time, everything will cease to exist!'' Horror hit Firestar as he heard them talk of the Clans and the Dark Forest. Pine shivered as did Firestar. The silver woods seemed even eerier now at the tom's words. He crept closer to hear for the cats had begun to hiss in whispers.

                                       ''What good does it do to give him the power to see the past and to recall memories and walk in minds? He's mute. How does it help when he can't even speak?'' The brown tom hissed out quietly, peering around, as if searching for listeners. Firestar crouched down even lower, keeping his ears pricked sharply. Silver let out a faint growl.

                                           ''He can mindspeak, Ember. He should be able to communicate.'' The gray tabby tom's scent held annoyance and a hint of fear. ''To see the past, he can dictate the future.'' Pine snorted, lashing her tail.

                                         ''And if he is not able to understand? The Dark Forest is rising and your advice is 'using the past can dictate the future?! '' She huffed and stretched her limbs. ''Well count me out. Do what you will, Silver. But if your plan does not work, and we fall, there will be blood to pay.'' The tawny shecat turned and whipped off, streaking through shining leaves. The Dark Forest is rising...but in such great numbers! They said cats well before their time have come to aid the Dark Forest! Panic etched itself deep into his marrow. How can these cats have so little faith in the Clans that they must depend on me once more?! I knew I was to help the Clans, but this is way over my head!

Clamping his eyes shut for a second, Firestar grit his teeth sharply, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself. Ember muttered,

                                   ''I'll gather some Ancients to help with our plan, Silver. I may doubt Firestar, but I agree he is our only hope. We can guide him. Bring him here and teach him to at least have the basics of mindspeak. The rest he'll have to figure out on his own.'' The tom stood and Firestar heard him shake his pelt before adding, ''I'll see you in two moonrises.'' Firestar slowly opened his eyes and felt slightly better. If these Ancients can help me, even the slightest bit, I can figure out the rest. But, there's one thing...Aren't Ancient names, as Jayfeather told me, like Half Moon or Gray Wing? Who are these Ancients? Confusion twisted in his mind as he watched Ember pad away. Then, just as suddenly as the silvery world appeared, it faded, swirling into ashes. Blackness as before slid under his paws. His mind staggered beneath the brunt of the knowledge he'd acquired. I'm the only one left to again, save the Clans. I can apparently see the past, cats from beyond their time, what ever that maybe is and I can talk to other cats in their mind! Good Starclan! Why is it always fire that saves the Clans? I'm glad I'm helping out and saving everyone, but WHY can't Starclan do something for ONCE that doesn't involve me?!

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