Chapter Three- ShadowClan! Attack!!

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Three moons had passed almost too quickly for the three StarClan cats. Firestar had started to feel the strength in his limbs grow or fade as Eaglescrag had said, and the three thought that was part of his power. But Firestar didn't think his power would be that obvious in showing itself. Bluestar had struggling to see her ability and Bramblestar was passing out because he was trying so hard. Tigerstar had grown even more snarkier and tried to boss Bramblestar around once or twice. When that happened, Bramblestar had wrestled him to the ground, rolling and tumbling till dust and sweat coated them thickly. If any cat noticed the way they fought, they didn't speak up. Bluestar had swiped the dark tabby on his nose with unsheathed claws once, hissing until he quit following them around. Firestar bristled as Tigerstar, once again out of earshot, tried to follow them. He wasn't this much of a stalker in the forest or Dark Forest!! Why won't he go away?! I swear, if he doesn't stop, I'm going to hurt him with un-sheathed claws!! He stiffled a snarl and arched his back at his so called 'brother'. Tigerstar sneered at him and unsheathed his own claws. 

                                                  ''Come on then, kittypet!!'' The brown tabby tom grumbled. Bluestar growled and spat,

                                               ''Go away, Tigerclaw. Go bother some other cat.'' The usually calm and collected blue she cat was fed up with his insults and tactics. Annoyance and rage fueled her. Bramblestar glared full force at Tigerstar, who hissed at Bluestar's use of his name. 

                                                   ''No. I'm fighting the kittypet. Move.'' Tigerstar growled, puffing up his fur and swiped Bluestar aside with a sharp blow. Bramblestar leapt at him, claws unsheathed. They rolled together in a tumble of fur. Firestar rushed to Bluestar. She blinked at him with blue, angry eyes. Firestar helped her up, but saw her wince as she place a paw down. Her pads had been bruised up by pieces of a rock near them. He cursed Tigerstar in his mind feverently. Then, there was a small yelp. Tigerstar had pinned Bramblestar down, rakking his son's underbelly with thorn sharp claws. Tiny tufts of fur flew up. Bramblestar snarled and swiped up, slicing Tigerstar's nose, letting red drip on his paw. Tigerstar yowled and backed away. A shadow came over them and Firestar along with the others, looked up. It was Winterwar and Fiveclaw, an orange tabby she cat that had a sharp tounge. Both looked angry. 

                                                   ''What is going on here?!'' Fiveclaw snapped, fur raised. Obviously she didn't think kits could fight like that and wound. Tigerstar leapt to his paws, giving a fake, half-hearted whimper. 

                                               ''I was trying to play with them, but they never let me! It's not fair!'' The brown tabby tom wailed, licking blood softly from his muzzle. Then, Icebreak, Jaynip and Windfur padded out, ears pricked. 

                                                      ''Winterwar, what's going on? I heard yowling. I-'' She stopped as she saw Tigerstar's nose. ''Tigerkit! Who did that to your nose?!'' She raced over to him and began cleaning his nose. 

                                                 ''Bramblekit did it! He said I couldn't play with them! Then he attacked me!'' He wailed once more. Icebreak looked at Bramblestar, pelt bristling.

                                                        ''Why did you do this?'' She snapped angrily. Firestar seethed. He slapped his paws on the ground to get Icebreak's attention. He pointed at Tigerstar, then at Bluestar with a paw. Icebreak seemed confused. ''What about Bluekit?'' Firestar swiped at Bluestar then pointed back at Tigerstar.

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