April Fools Day.

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Rip: The two of you set up an elaborate prank to get the team into thinking you had crashed the ship and marooned everyone in ancient Egypt. Truth be told, Gideon is just really good at making sand in the fabrication room and getting mummies to chase people around.

Mick: You had been doing little pranks on each other for weeks  (brown sauce in the ketchup bottle was your favourite and if freaked Mick out).

Leonard: He pretended to get himself arrested with the Flash. You were halfway to Iron Heights with Mick and Lisa before Barry called you saying it was a prank.

Ray: You pranked him with the usual joke shop stuff: whoopee cushions and shaving cream pies. Poor guy didn't know what hit him.

Jax: You and Jax had pranked your dad by telling him you got hitched in Vegas in the 1990s when you were both drunk. He believed you until he rang your mum and she burst out laughing as she was in on the prank.

Sara: You pranked her by making a giant robot with Cisco and making it follow her everywhere (even to the bathroom). She got so annoyed in the end that she punched it and broke it.

Kendra: You didn't do anything for April Fool's Day, or so you thought, you had a 'kick me' sign on your back the whole day and didn't notice.

I'm so excited since its my birthday party today (actual birthday on the 5th), and all my friends are coming to do laser tag.  God I hope nobody pranks me....

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