chapter four The (Shipped) Gold Standard

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Jack's POV 7:00 am leaving to head to Pepsi Center Denver , Colorado.

"Uuuuggghhhhh ffucckkk" I groan rolling over onto my stomach in my bunk hidding my face in pillow. My head is pounding crashing my brain against my skull. Zack's alarms is going off echoing it annoying sound around the small bunk area. Last night after the show we all decided to go a local bar because we had some time after the show was over. I didn't plan on drinking as much as I did. But apparently I drank alittle to much because I don't remember getting back to the bus.

"ZACK turn that shite off" I yell over to him in the bunk next to me."Uuugggggggghhhhh" a groggy voice groans back.
"Will you two shute the fuck up and quite "yelling Alex grumbles from the bunk above me. "Will all of you just shut the fuck up I'm getting it" Zack says.
I hear foot steps hitting the title floor then annoying sound stops and seconds later he pulls my curtain open standing aboveo me. I look up from the pillow regretting it when I'm blinded by the pirecing light. It's shines into my bunk making me sick.

"Ugghh Zack the light" I grumble at him." Here take this " he says. I shield my eyes looking up at him. He's holding a bottle of water and two Tylenol. I take it from him sticking the Tylenol in my mouth and drinking the water in one gulp." Thanks Zack" I say as I hand him the empty bottle and lay my head back down.

"No problem "he relpies. I hear grumbles from Alex and Rian assuming he did the same to them. I lay in my bunk untell the Tylenol takes affect. After it does I sit up rubbing the sleep from my eyes I grab a towel going to the bathroom hoping that a shower will make me feel better. The light in the bathrom isn't as bright and it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I undress hopping into the shower. I adjust the water to hot letting the water relax me.

After I'm done in the shower and dressed, I go out to the lounge room and lay down on the couch. I just lay there sinking into the cushion. I drift off to sleep for about ten minutes. I lay on the couch waking up a little suddenly a realization hits me I don't feel the bus moving. Taking out my phone I text Zack.

Hey Zack why is the bus not moving :JACK .

Zachattack: We are leaving at 8:00 sorry my alarm woke you guys up I forgot to shut it off.

It's fine Zack is everyone else up yet:JACK.

Zackattack : yeah me and Rian are out here in the kitchen Alex is in the shower.

Ok I'm in the lounge : Jack.

I set my phone down next to me. I lay in the soft comfort of the couch alittle bit longer . Then I push myself up off the couch grabbing my phone I walk out into the kitchen. Zack and Rian are sitting at the table eating hotpockets. I walk past them to the couch flopping down onto it. I lay down closing my eyes relaxing.

"How are you feeling buddy" Rian asks me. "Better , but I still feel like shite "I answer him.
"That's good that you feel better" says Rian . "How are you two feeling so good "I ask him. "I didn't drink that much neither did Zack " he replies.

Suddenly I hear a loud creeking noise. Alex comes walking out of the hallway from bathroom. He stumbles over to the couch, laying on top of me. He slids down between the cushions of the couch, laying on top of my side. Pushing me in to the soft fabric. Buring his face into my neck. "How are you feeling Alex" Rian" asks him. "Ugghh" he groans tickling my neck as he talks making me laugh. He lifts his head up sitting his head to the side.

"What was that Alex I didn't hear you" laughs Rian. "I said I feel like shite and why are we not moving" he snaps. Rian laughs again. "I'm glade you think it's so funny Dawson" I grumble at him."Oh come on guys cheer up" says Zack. "You didnt answer my question and why are we up it's 7:00 in the moring" mumbles Alex. "Because Zach's alarm went off "says Rian as he lays his head down on the table letting out an amused laugh."I'm sorry guy's I forgot to turn it off and we are leaving at 8:00 to answer your question" Alex says Zack.

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