Luckily Unlucky

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Dedicated to my new friend @GOTOHELL2003

the character is none other than......

Cho-Hee POV:

I stare at the people walking in the busy streets of Seoul. They look weird in my eyes, you see, those colored high boots with furs, oversize bunny/ cat ears, oddly color combination of their clothes, and did I mention those prints? To top it all up, they finished their art work with those overly embellished accessories. Its really painful in my eyes! Its like they are all up for a cosplay or costume party.

Don't get me wrong, they all look pretty... And the guys are somewhat cute as well... Its just that, I am not used to seeing so many people dressed that kind of way at the same time on a normal day specially, on the streets.

The funny thing is, they look at me like how I look at them... Its like they are seeing an alien. Haha.
Well I can't blame them, my looks is really different from them... With my naturally curly hair, big eyes, not so petite figure, but hey! This body type is just normal.

But the real thing is, I don't think its really the reason why they are looking at me that way, its maybe because...

I slump on the pavement of the street, in an Indian sit?

Or maybe because I keep on rotating my map which I really don't understand because its in Hangul?

Or maybe because I keep on slapping and shaking my cellphone like a mad person because it won't touch because it cracked just a while ago?

Or maybe because...

"Miss, you have a dirt on your nose"

I blinked a little because finally, I can ask someone who knows how to speak in English. But the thing is,...

Before I got back from my senses, he left.

"You've missed your chance so bad Cho! Now what you gonna do now!?"

I slumped back on my seat with my cheek, resting on my palm then I look at my self in the mirror and to my horror, I really do have a black dirt on my nose! And just when I realize that I look like a beggar in here that's why they are staring at me so weirdly.

"Crap!" Now I'm starting to think, why am I here in the first place?

Oh yeah, I remembered.

I was bound to study in a University here in Korea. Its not that I am rich cuz I just got a scholarship. But I'm not a smartass nor an athlete if that's what you're thinking. It just happens that back at my country, Puerto Rico, I saved a tourist from a robber. She wanted to give me a prize for not only saving her belongings but also her life. But I said, I don't like her money, but I want to study so since as she said, she's working in a University, she could give me a scholarship with allowance in whatever course I would like but I have to at least pass. Pfft! Of course I can do that! I'm not working my äss off just to fail. That day, I thought that I was the luckiest person alive.

But not today.

this day is another story.

I must be so excited with the word 'scholarship' that I said yes without thinking twice. I must have just take the prize money that she's giving me then just enroll on a public school at my own country.

If only I knew that all the epic fail clichés would conspire to plant an evil plan on me today. That...

Someone would bump on me while I'm texting the supposed person who will fetch me up. Then I didn't notice that I was about to fell on the 'wet floor sign' then suddenly my feet come in contact with a slimy substance on the floor that I can't fight gravity and my face fell flat on the tiled floor with my newly bought cellphone in hand, (which I bought from my hard earned money that was supposedly for my enrollment if only this scholarship didn't come), slapped hard on the floor. Now it has multiple screens! And to make things worse, all the people looked at me on my first epic fail. Yeah that's right, that was just the first.

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