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Amber's POV

"Baby.... Here, eat some of these! I made it myself!" I heard Krystal said eagerly.

"I'm full, I just ate my breakfast"

"Breakfast? But its already pass 12 you should be hungry by now"

"I said I just ate! About 15mins ago. do I still have to give you the exact time up to the last second?"

"Why are you so irritable?! I just want to give you what I prepared"

"I said I don't need it." I stood up. "I'll be leaving. Don't follow me"
I walked out, ignoring her shouting spree.

"I'm gonna tell this to the dean ! I swear! You're gonna regret doing this to me!!!!"

I went to my favorite place in the campus. You would probably think that it would be the rooftop or the garden or something like a shady spot under a tree. But nope. Not close to any of it. Its the mini forest behind the tall walls with 'do not cross' lines, just before the cliff that leads to a rocky river.

Kinda dangerous right? Well that's more I like it.

But just before I reach my favorite spot, I saw someone, sitting on a big rock, who was the sole reason why I'm not in a good mood today.

‘Oh great! Now my sanctuary is being contaminated.’

I was about to turn my back but I stepped on a twig which made a little sound.

"Whose there?" She shouted before she turned to see me.

"Aamber? What are you doing here?!"

"I could have ask you the same. Miss."

"Miss? Now you don't even know my name?. Nice. Very nice" she said sarcastically.
Then turned around and continue what she was doing.

Suddenly I heard a sob so I walked up to her.

I kneeled down so we were eye level.

"Wait! Are you... Were you crying?!"
I hugged her


"Who did this to you?" I asked again when I heard no response

"I could have ask you the same" she mimic my statement

I pulled out from the hug and hold both of her shoulders so I could look at her. I stared at her eyes looking for answers but she reverted her gaze to something else.

"I. I did this to you?"

She pushed me away.

"Ask yourself you snob and numb and rude and bossy, so full of yourself brat and..."

"Hey! That's too much already!"
I cut her off

"... And a player."she finished her ranting.

" I said stop it! Wait! What did you say? I'm a what?"

"And a deaf." she added

"What the heck cho-hee! I agree of what you said earlier but not the last one!"

"Which one? That you are deaf?"

"No. That I'm a player. Because I am definitely not"

"Really? Now you are also a liar."

This girl is really getting on my nerves. Grrrrrr.....

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